- Add more additional infos
- MangaDex
- View chapter's pages on result
- Danbooru
- Gelbooru
- Konachan
- Yande.re
- e621
- MangaDex
- Fix crash on result page when title has ':' character
- Remove Anime-Picture.net, return null from API
If you are not sure which file to download, it is safe to install the armeabi-v7a (ARM 32-bit) file as it can be installed on most devices. But most newer devices have ARM 64-bit architecture so they can install the arm64-v8a file and can take advantage of being 64-bit (e. x. higher performance).
(On some devices, even though they are 64-bit, the arm64-v8a file can't be installed. So, download armeabi-v7a file just to be sure)
For others devices and some emulators can install the x86_64 file.
Installation may takes a long time
Please, create an issue if you encounter any bug, error or problem.
Provide device information (model and Android version), app version, description of bug, error, or problem, and preferably with screenshot/video.