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(Updated) The only Pokemeow tool you would ever use. Quality-oriented for dedicated players.

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Yugen Selfbot
[ Yūgen Selfbot v3 ]

[ Advanced - Safe - Performant ]

Discord Github js


  • This is a selfbot project for a discord bot called Pokemeow!
  • This is a paid product, and there's no demo!
  • Built with customizability and quality in mind, recommended for people who are serious about botting Meow and plan to profit from it.
  • Been in business since 2022!
  • Reimagined from Primrose.
  • Status: 🟢 Working!!

Bot Preview

Main Features


  • 🕷️ Automates everything a Pokemeow player does!
    • [NEW] Spamming commands in multiple channels instead of just one!
    • Hunting (/pokemon)
    • Fishing (/fish spawn)
    • Battling (/battle)
    • Explore (/explore)
    • Swapping (/swap)
    • Purchase balls (/shop buy)
    • Automatic release locking (/release lock)
    • Daily hunt registering & handling ;hunt
    • [NEW] Factions! (/faction)
    • [NEW] Events (spook)
    • Event tickets (/event buy)
    • Checklist tasks (/daily, /hunt, /quest, /catchbot, /swap)
    • Player tasks (/egg, /lootbox, /grazz, /repel, /release duplicate)
    • Research items exchange (/research exchange)
  • 🥋 Accurate human imitation!
    • Custom browser user-agent!!
    • Completely random interaction times
    • Coffee breaks ☕ with random durations
    • Random commands (/pc, /stats, ...)
  • ⌛ Solves captchas automatically with ~99% accuracy & retries if fail!
  • 🔧 Extensive & individualized configuration system!
  • 🧈 Buttery-smooth execution & easy installation
  • 🔔 Sends webhooks & windows notifications to let you know about events!
  • 💞 Dev who always actively listens to customers' needs and recommendations on improving the bot.
  • ✨ Previously premium features are now integrated into main ones!
    • Battle AI is now part of battle!
    • Multi upgrade is now free!
  • 📡 Full code revamp & game-changing features added!
    • Displays session stats after exit!
    • Queue system -> Multiple modes at once (/pokemon, /fish spawn, /battle)
    • Fully functional egg / quest claim handler!
    • Quest reroller for unwanted quests, or reroll until a certain quest is achieved.
    • Battle revamp:
      • Autobattler (AI).
      • Blazing-fast API calls!
      • 100% accurate battle DMG calculation.
      • Automatic league progress completer!
      • Battle script system for special event NPCs!
    • User commands rework!
    • Inactivity detector & better error handling!
    • Anti-crasher


banner-price prices

Hunt Fish Battle Explore Swap WebUI/GUI Autobuy ;cl & tasks Research
Apprentice ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Master ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Champion ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Completionist ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Note: Captcha solver is now readily included in every purchase!

  • Current discounts! (they STACK!) (Explained in FAQs)
    • [ACTIVE] Referral codes (5% | 7.5% | 10% off)

Order via Facebook

Selfbot Wiki


  • [NOT IMPLEMENTED!] The selfbot wiki is public for everyone! Wiki



  • Is this bot safe?
    • It absolutely is! It comes with almost zero ban risk involved, except when you grind in public servers, or you do alot of catches, then people will get suspicious.
    • You should take responsibility while using the bot, if you don't want to get banned. On the other hand, our service has been trusted by dozens of clients, so you can count on us.
  • How does the active discount work?
    • Referral code: if you have someone use your referral code to purchase, you get a discount on 3 different levels: 1 refer, 3 refers and 5 refers.
    • Stack: for example if you certify for two 5% discounts, you get a total of 5% + 5% = 10% discount of your purchases.
  • It's too expensive?
    • It's true that some of the bots on the internet are either free/cheap, but they're mostly low-effort bots which can not provide you with the features that Yugen have.
    • A lot of 'premium' features on this bot are already included, and updates are free forever and requires no extra fees.
    • If you're just want to bot Pokemeow for fun, I don't recommend buying our bot.



Bot Features List

  • Updated: 07/09/2024
  • Version: v3.0.7

General 🎡

  • Modes: captcha hunt fish battle explore swap
  • Multiple modes at once
  • Multiple accounts at once
  • Profiled bot accounts w/ different settings
  • Grouped accounts to run multiple with a keyword
  • Session stats are shown after exiting, beautifully formatted and provides extra commands to filter for rare items pokemons or just count of general stats encounters catches battles swaps
  • 🍓 Decoys - random commands.

Toggleable & custom chance weights with command variation & support for 18 common commands

  • Breaks - random breaks.

Toggleable & custom chance weights durations with random offsets

  • 📋 Quest reroll - reroll unwanted quests.

Toggleable & custom 'unwanted' keywords to reroll

  • 💸 Cash transfer - transfer alts' balance to main account

Toggleable & custom transfer percentage, minimum bal left, frequency of transfer.

  • 📟 Webhook - custom webhook links for pokemons

Toggleable & bot names concealable from display

  • 📡 Notifications - sends cross-platform notifications on encounters

Only Toggleable for now, will add more customizability

  • 📌 Pins - allow rare mons pinning in channels

Toggleable & unwanted rarities blacklist-able) Eg: blacklisting Legendary pokemons from being pinned.

  • 🔌 Fallback - (Revamped) 'Plan B' balls that will be thrown if bot doesn't have the initial ball

Non-toggleable, but now retries _retries times (customizable) Changed from previous versions: now retries more than 2 times, has less configs to manage, uses profile-specific ball buy configs instead of global

  • Cooldowns - Customizable cooldowns

Mode-specific, customizable cooldowns for hunt fish battle swap explore queue jobs & intermission (duration between dif commands)

QOL (Quality of Life) 🍧

  • Track accounts' stats after exiting, including coins/fishing tokens earned/spent, pokemons caught, items obtained, etc.
  • Graceful Ctrl+C exit handler (waits for all commands to finish)
  • 🛍️ Shop Automatically buys missing balls
  • 📸 User Set bot's HYPESQUAD house & custom user activity

Toggleable & fully customizable User activity presence

  • 📓 Checklist - scrapes checklist to get ;daily ;swap ;hunt ;catchbot ;quest

Individual checklist tasks toggleable & global checklisting toggleable

  • 🐣 Tasks - does player tasks ;egg ;lb ;grazz ;repel ;r d

Individual tasks toggleable & global tasks toggleable. amount parameters for commands like ;lb ;grazz ;repel also customizable

  • 🔬 Research - does ;res ex relics ;res ex x_fossil automatically.
  • 🥚 Egg & Quest automatically hatches and holds egg once hatchable & claim new quests automatically once available
  • 🛡️ Anticrash prevents bot from crashing & auto revives after specific amount of idle time

Idle time before reviving bot is customizable!

Configuration 🛠️

  • Out-of-the-box customizability: profiles/ app.json preferences.json
  • profiles/ - different configs for each account (separates new/aged/patreon bots)
  • app.json - global configs & behaviour settings that apply to all accounts checklist tasks decoys breaks quest reroll cash transfer webhook notifications pins etc.
  • preferences.json - ball choices for special encounters (low valued legendaries / collect pokemons & event pokemons / specific generation / release locks)

Captcha 🤖

  • Accurately solves captchas with 98-99% accuracy & retries if fail.
  • Customizable delay before sending captcha answer
  • Minor fixes to captcha solver algorithm
  • Custom safer browser user-agent and headers properties
  • Migrated to API-like captcha endpoint

Greatly reduces RAM and CPU usage, much more noticable for ppl who runs alot of accounts

Hunt 🦌

  • User events handling: new user profile temp-ban perm-ban bot update etc.
  • Catch limit handling! Will do ;p once in a while even after catch limit to check for bot reset.
  • Pins message, sends webhooks & notifications to let user know about rare encounters.
  • Catches pokemons while taking user preferences and pokemon value into consideration!

Bot checks for custom pokemon -> custom generation -> low valued legendaries -> held items, and then checks for rarity

  • Sends a ;m view after encountering rare pokemons to imitate human behaviour
  • Patreon-only mode to spam :greatball: at Common pokemons and ignore Item-ed Commons to get infinite Common streak
  • Fallback ball usage system to use other balls if initial one not present
  • Prints out EXP, Pokecoins and Held item obtained after catching pokemon

Depending on result, sends ;res ex relics ;res ex x_fossil ;quest ;egg hatch

  • (Optional) transfers cash to main account
  • (Optional) sends Decoys and Breaks
  • Buy balls that has ran out (can be more than one type of ball)

Fish 🎣

  • User events handling: new user profile temp-ban perm-ban bot update etc.
  • Pins message, sends webhooks & notifications to let user know about rare fish.
  • Catches fish while taking user preferences and fish value into consideration!

Bot checks for custom fish then checks for rarity, if unregistered in database will still throw a specific ball.

  • Sends a ;m view after encountering rare fish to imitate human behaviour
  • Fallback ball usage system to use other balls if initial one not present
  • Prints out EXP, Fish tokens obtained after catching fish

Depending on result, sends ;quest ;egg hatch

  • (Optional) sends Decoys and Breaks
  • Buy balls that has ran out (can be more than one type of ball)

Battle 🦾

  • Modes: npc and user (self-explanatory)
  • Drivers: auto and spam

🤖 auto - autobattles using custom AI :brain: spam - spams one move

  • Custom Script System to battle specific npc IDs with a coded strategy.
  • Automatic cache of pokemons & moves, and get data from the API
  • Automatically uses the best damage-outputting move possible

Takes Type effectiveness Move Power Stab Item bonus (special) Attack & Defense stats of both pokemons into calculation

  • Automatically switches / forfeits if the requirements are met HP percentages HP (Customizable)
  • Renders ✨ Pretty ✨ Healthbar UIs with Customizable components
  • (Optional) Pokemon league completer mode that battles from npc 1 to last npc
  • (Optional) Battles a random npc from a set of user-defined npc ids.

Explore 🗺️

  • Explore limit handler implemented.
  • Displays steps taken in an explore session
  • Send explore command for a random map taken from a customizable user-specified list of maps
  • Goes in a random direction if no pokemons are encountered.
  • Catches pokemons which takes custom pokemons into consideration
  • Takes 70+ steps in each explore session -> takes 2 and half hour to walk all 4k steps ~2.6k catches
  • Fallback ball usage system to use other balls if initial one not present
  • Stop session to buy balls that has ran out (can be more than one type of ball)

Swap 🎫

  • Warns user if bot doesn't have any swap tokens left
  • Swaps material pokemons specified by the user, automatically switches to next material if one runs out
  • Displays the Rarity & Name of the swapped and obtained pokemons
  • Displays remaining swap material pokemon & swap tokens left


(Updated) The only Pokemeow tool you would ever use. Quality-oriented for dedicated players.




