This library allows for config-driven creation of Voronoi diagrams, implemented in fully-vectorised numpy.
Features include:
- Choice of distance functions (from scikit-learn's pairwise distances)
- Vertical/horizontal tiling of plane
- Fully customisable colour palette, using a four-colour solver to prevent adjacent regions from sharing a colour
- Optional region borders
- Manual centroid placement
- Centroid placement using uniform random placement, or poisson disk sampling with adjustable disk size
- Ability to draw centroids on image
Thanks to Fuzzy Labs for their support in the making of this library.
Voronoi diagrams can be created from yaml config files by passing the config file as an argument to
in the voronoi_generator
directory, for instance
python voronoi_generator/ example_configs/demo_1.yaml
This generates a Voronoi diagram from the following config.
x_size: 2000
y_size: 2000
n_centroids: 40
distance_function: "cityblock"
colour_list: [[113, 215, 196], [51, 20, 126], [255, 255, 255], [55, 66, 73]]
wrap_x: true
border_thickness: 6
file_path: "images/example_image.png"
numpy_seed: 0
python_seed: 0
This produces the following diagram:
Rather than using RGB values, it is possible to pass a yaml file of named colours.
An example file is provided in the colour_lists
directory. With such a file, we have
a config that looks like the following:
x_size: 1000
y_size: 1000
n_centroids: 20
distance_function: "euclidean"
colour_list: ["dodgerblue", "indianred", "paleturquoise", "lightcoral"]
named_colours_file: "colour_lists/css_colour_list.yaml"
wrap_x: true
border_thickness: 4
file_path: "images/example_image_2.png"
numpy_seed: 1
python_seed: 1
This produces the following image:
The default sampling method is to generate centroids using a uniform distribution over the image. When using this method, you need to specify the number of points.
Alternatively, you can use Poisson disk sampling to generate points more evenly across the pixel space. The following shows two similar configurations, one using the default distribution, the other using poission disk sampling
Uniform Distribution
x_size: 2000
y_size: 2000
n_centroids: 80
distance_function: "euclidean"
named_colours_file: "colour_lists/css_colour_list.yaml"
colour_list: ["lemonchiffon", "tomato", "skyblue", "steelblue"]
border_thickness: 5
centroid_thickness: 0
file_path: "images/demo_4_uniform.png"
numpy_seed: 0
python_seed: 0
Poisson Disk sampling
x_size: 2000
y_size: 2000
distance_function: "euclidean"
named_colours_file: "colour_lists/css_colour_list.yaml"
colour_list: ["lemonchiffon", "tomato", "skyblue", "steelblue"]
border_thickness: 5
centroid_thickness: 0
file_path: "images/example_image_3_poisson.png"
sampling_method: "poisson"
poisson_radius: 0.09
numpy_seed: 0
python_seed: 0
The resulting images are as follows:
Uniform Distribution | Poisson Disk Sampling |
![]() |
![]() |
Note that in the latter case, the number of centroids is determined by the poisson radius. The variable n_centroids
is still used, but only in that 10x its value is the upper limit on the number of points produced by sampling procedure.
The full list of configurable settings in the yaml files is as follows:
x_size (int): Width of the image in pixels
y_size (int): Height of the image in pixels
n_centroids (int): Number of centroids to include
distance_function (str): Distance function to use ("euclidean", "cityblock" or "chebyshev")
colour_list (list[Union[list[int], str]]): list of colour names or RGB values.
named_colours_file (str) = Path to file defining named colours
colouring (str): Whether to use solver for colouring ("solve" or "random")
wrap_x (bool): Whether image should wrap on x-axis
wrap_y (bool): Whether image should wrap on y-axis
border_thickness (int): Thickness of the border between tiles in pixels
centroid_thickness (int): Size of the centroid point in pixels
centroid_colour (Union[list[int], str]): Colour of centroid points
file_path (str): File path where the image should be saved
numpy_seed (int): The random seed for numpy
python_seed (int): The random seed for Python
sampling_method (string): The sampling method (either "uniform" or "poisson"
poisson_radius (float): Poisson disk radius, given as fraction of image width
# The following options may be deprecated in future updates
placed_points (Optional[list[list[float]]]): coordinates of manually placed points
point_radius (Optional[float]): How far from manually placed points randomly placed points must be