Generates documentation for a Swift package using the swift-docc-plugin
To use, make sure that your package includes a dependency on the plugin in your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Then include the action in your workflow (make sure that a Swift 5.6+ toolchain is on your PATH, on macOS this should be given, but on Linux you may need to first install it e.g. using setup-swift
- uses: fwcd/swift-docc-action@v1
target: YourTarget
output: ./docs
hosting-base-path: yourproject
disable-indexing: 'true'
transform-for-static-hosting: 'true'
The generated documentation will be in the ./docs
folder. If you wish to host your docs on GitHub Pages, check out this tutorial from the official docs. An example of a workflow that deploys directly to GitHub Pages can be found here.