A Minecraft-based MSc project! Repository includes minecraft mod, python tools and other resources.
Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGUwQR4u91o
See "COSMACRAFT User Guide.pdf"
- Install Minecraft 1.16.5 and Forge 36.2.0 using either CurseForge (https://download.curseforge.com) or installing Minecraft directly and running the Forge installer (https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.16.5.html).
- Run the game to create a blank profile.
- Copy cosmacraft-1.x.jar into the mods folder.
- Copy the COSMAcraft World directory into the saves folder.
- Copy the utils directory (containing the cosma_usage json and the cosma_config json) into the Minecraft game directory (the directory containing "saves" and "mods").
- Relaunch the game and it should now load with COSMAcraft installed.
Either follow the above steps (without using CurseForge) or use the cosmacraft_installer program (which essentially just automates a bunch of these steps).
Ensure all players using the world are in 'adventure mode'. If creating a local multiplayer world this can be configured when the world is shared to LAN. If hosting a server this can be configured on the server. If running single player worlds simply change the player's gamemode by typing /gamemode adventure while in-game.
Setting up the live state updates to COSMA requires an SSH port-forwarding connection on port 5432, connnecting to a login node where socket_daemon.py is running. data_script.py should also be running in the background at regular intervals, the easiest way to configure this is with a crontab job.
If users get stuck or lost they can be teleported back to the tutorial area using /tp player_name -259 19 -133.