A collection of functions necessary for generating Akamai sensor data. The functions in this package are designed to work together to help you in generating valid sensor_data.
func Jrs(t int) ([]int, error)
func CalcDis(floatArr []float64) (int, error)
func Ab(input string) int
func GenerateSeparator(inputStrings []string, number int) string
func Od(t string, a string) string
func Rir(t int, a int, e int, n int) int
func Encrypt(sensor string, keys []int) string
func ShuffleString(input string, seed int) string
func EncryptString(input string, key int) string
func MN_S(byteArr []byte) []byte
func ATS(byteArr []byte) string
func ExtractKeys(bm_sz string) ([]int, error)
To install this package, you can use the following command in your terminal:
go get github.com/fxnatic/abck-tools
Once the package is installed, you can import it in your Go programs like this:
import "github.com/fxnatic/abck-tools"
alternative, you can use capsolver.com for akamai
This project is licensed under the MIT License.