Split and merge pdf files. Three functionalities: merge multiple pdfs into one, split single pdf by page and an option to cut each page in half (useful for fixing scanned files).
Uses hummus/podofo for the pdf library and Qt as the GUI.
hummus http://pdfhummus.com/
podofo 0.9.3 http://podofo.sourceforge.net/
Qt 5.5 http://www.qt.io/qt-framework/
The master branch uses hummus as the pdf library. Check the podofo branch for implementation using podofo. Podofo was abandoned due to its complexity and difficulty when dealing with splitting without copying the whole document (currently podofo branch's splitted pdf files always have the same size as the original).
Build pdf hummus, install qt-creator. Open the project and change all the paths in PDfSplitter.pro file to point to the compiled libraries (or delete all of them and add the libraries through qt-creator).