The Web App source code has been divided into two parts: Frontend and Backend. The Frontend contains the React App needed to run the project. The Backend Contains the Server.
In order to run the app there needs to be a .env file in the backend folder which contains the connection string for the mongo DB database.
cd backend/
npm i
node server.js
npm install stripe (for backend)
npm install @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js (for frontend)
Use the standard public and private keys offered by the test API(refer to docs)
Pull the latest version from github
cd frontend/
npm i
npm run dev
Few scripts have been added in the devtools directory inside backend for testing and debugging. Here are a few of them :
- Show all users : node DisplayAllUsers.js
- Add a new showtime to the DB (Edit the contents to suits your needs for the repsective movie): node add.js