Designed using clonemap, a project of RWTH AACHEN University
Deploy clonemap's core docker containers:
git clone "<folder>"
"<folder>"\deployments\docker docker-compose up -d #REM to start the containers
"<folder>"\deployments\docker docker-compose down
Build Vencom image and deploy docker container/s:
git clone "<folder>"
cd "<folder>"
docker build --rm -f build\Dockerfile -t vencom .
curl -X "POST" -d @scenario.json localhost:30009/api/clonemap/mas
Vencom is currently designed to work on a single MAS, so configuring more
than theconfig.agentsperagency
will not work as expected. -
Buyers bought products aren't always properly recovered
Buyers HP can reach subzero values, agents never die
Periodic behaviours introduce racing behaviours while reading/writing (concurrent) each agent properties
Coordinate distances aren't properly computed
Fronted module is having troubles to show logs
Products should have a lifespan to incentivate retailers to design better market strategies and buyers to eat them before others they own
Buyers should be able to generate an income by themselves in order to survive. That means working, stealing, gifting...
Agents are located on a 3D map, so it would be interesting to make them able to move (retailers to find better spots to sell, buyers better spots in order to perform their activities)
Retailers should also have the same capabilities as buyers. That means they should also need to consume products to survive.
- Debugging is very difficult