make a route that takes a :zip as a URL param (
) andres.send()
s weather for that zip similarly ("The temperature for ... is ...") -
make a
(in the views folder? yea! make aviews
folder and put it in there!). it should have a form where user can type in a zip and press enter or hit a button. -
make your route from #1 render a template (instead of just res.send()ing a sentence) that has weather data put into it with EJS temperature current conditions an icon representing the weather
make a route at
that renders a template with the forecast and the same info as the template for #3
Find another API about something you are interested in. Suggestions (google them):
- pokeapi.co -- all the info you ever needed about pokemon
- newsApi.org
- Chicago Open Data
Do a little research and figure out what endpoint(s) has (or have) data that is of interest to you. Register and get a key or whatever.
While you wait for the key to activate:
- Move all your weather stuff into a "weather controller" like we did in class today.
- Use partials to make a header for your site that should be there on every ejs page from now on.
- In the header there'll be a link to the entire weather "section" of the site.
- Also add a link to the new "section"
Set up a controller for the new section, then build a "section" of the site that's similar to the weather: It lets the user enter a query into a form on one page, then renders a different page with the data from the API based on that query displayed in some meaningful way.