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SireMock is a Scala wrapper for WireMock, which is a HTTP simulator that runs on the JVM. The main idea of SireMock is to provide a more friendly api for Scala.


If you want to start with SireMock, first you need to add the dependency:

//works for both Scala 2.12 and 2.13

resolvers += "gabfssilva releases" at ""

libraryDependencies += "io.github.gabfssilva" %% "siremock" % "1.0.2" % "test"

Also, you need to instantiate WireMock to start with SireMock.

This is an example using Scalatest:

class MockFeatures extends FeatureSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter with SireMockServer {
  private val port = 8183

  override val wireMockServer: WireMockServer = new WireMockServer(port)

  before {

  after {
  //tests here

If you want to run WireMock as client, you can also use the SireMockClient trait:

class MockFeatures extends FeatureSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter with SireMockClient {
  private val port = 8183

  override val wireMockClient: WireMock = new WireMock("localhost", port)

  after {
  //tests here


SireMock provides much better Scala-like DSL for you to work with WireMock.

The basic syntax is:

(request) respond (response)

You can construct your request and response mappings as builders:

(on(urlEqualTo("/hello")) get) respond (aResponse withBody "hello, world!")

This is a complex example to show what you can do with the DSL:

(((on(urlEqualTo("/hello")) post)
        withAuth BasicAuth("test", "test")
        withContentType "application/json"
        withBody equalToJson("""{ "hello": "world!" }""")
        withHeaders ("X-My-Header" -> equalTo("MyHeaderValue"), "X-My-Other-Header" -> equalTo("MyHeaderValue2")))
        respond (
            withContentType "application/json"
            withStatus 201
            withBody expectedResponseBody
            withHeaders("X-My-Header-Response" -> "MyHeaderValueResponse")
            withDelay(2 seconds)


While HTTP stubbing satisfies most needs, sometimes we want to assure that a certain request as made.

Different from WireMock, SireMock lets you match the same request object you created for stubbing your services:

val request = on(urlEqualTo("/hello")) get

request respond (aResponse withBody "hello, world!")

verify(request) wasCalled exactly(1)

Besides exactly, you can also use lessThan, lessThanOrExactly, moreThanOrExactly and moreThan.

Stateful behavior

You can use the Scenario feature from WireMock using the Scenario SireMock object while building your request:

val helloWorldScenario = Scenario("hello, world")

(((on(urlEqualTo("/hello")) get) in (helloWorldScenario settingStateTo "once")) 
  respond (
    aResponse withBody """{"hello":"world-1"}"""

(((on(urlEqualTo("/hello")) get) in (helloWorldScenario whenStateIs "once")) 
  respond (
    aResponse withBody """{"hello":"world-2"}"""

How can I help?

New PRs and new feature requests are very welcome, so, if you want to help with a new feature, create a new issue or send a PR.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


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