A web application that consumes the To Do API to manage tasks.
Created using ReactJS, TypeScript, Axios, Redux Toolkit and Tailwind.
Part of Integrating a NodeJS Back-End with a React Front-End challenge required to complete JavaScript Evolution bootcamp, offered by Impulso and Digital Innovation One.
At the moment, the features available are:
- create one task
- create multiple tasks from csv file
- list all tasks in To Do API database
- update a task to set it as done/not done
- select tasks
- delete selected tasks
In your terminal, clone the repository.
git clone git@github.com:gccunha015/to_do-front.git
Enter the directory cloned.
cd to_do-front
Install dependencies.
npm install
Serve locally.
npm start
- To Do API running on
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/
in your web browser.