in this webapp is fully bashed on MVC(model,view,controller base web-app)
architecture with real time chating features like socket io :-)
start project
npm install
npm package | command | application |
anime | npm install animejs | animation |
bcryptjs | npm install bcryptjs | password encryption |
csurf | npm install csurf | csrf token |
express-session | npm install express-session | session with cookie |
font-awesome | npm install font-awesome | font styling |
nodemailer-sendgrid-transport | npm install nodemailer-sendgrid-transport | mail sending third party service |
toastr | npm install toastr | notification beautiful |
body-parser | npm install body-parser | take data |
mongodb | npm install mongodb | mongodb database driver |
Mdbootstrap | npm install mdbootstarp | this bootstrap use for modern look design |
socket io | npm i | this socket basically use for real time chat web-app with user |
in this web-app my main priority not only making webApp.But Also security si
I give security features like
->session hijacking
->CSRF protection
->Encrypted protection system
->real time chat system
->communication between client and server
->real time data-flow
->data flows both ways
->web-socket is always be open so client to server data send very real time
->real time to-do web app or android app
->real time data-visualization
->collobrative code editing
->live text and sports features
->Drag and Drop features give to the user
important things
--> socket programming is occur in both side in client and server so user connection in both side
--> In socket programming the socket Id is imporatnt because without socket id you unable to fetch Data through user
--> In socket programming the socket Id is always be changed so you refresh so that time it change because it real time @pp
--> In client side cdn of socket is important
step 1: import the socketIo the package through require like ex.
var socket=require('');
step 2: in socket the server side set-up is imporatant thing so setup the server so you set-up just like that
var server=app.listen(4040,()=>{
console.log('i am connected');
var io=socket(server);
console.log('Gajjar I am calling for chat',;
/* basically above code te connection estalish thyu hoy to acknowlwdgement mate te thase*/
step 3: i set-up socket in client side just like this
var socket=io.connect('http://localhost:4040/chat');
/*but when put in production ready so that time it change*/
in client side we apply two js file one is socket setup through cloudflare and another one is my custome code base in socket folder
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/socket/socket.js"></script>
step 4: jyare client dra request send thai gai server jode jase and feedback rupe te data te avase ex.
console.log('Gajjar I am calling for chat',;
emit dra te data te send karva mate te thase and emit(name you want to given,callback function avase)
step 5: client-->server server-->client(->client dra data leva mate node js on method use thay che basically on method api mate pan te use thay che ex.
data biju kai nai whole tamaro data che sever dra no
->when the server side setup the socket so that time server port number is important to set-up all of thing just like above
->wwhen you want to take value of dom so that time you not take directly all cases just like
var x=document.getElementById('dsfgsfs');
//and then after take data below like this some situation
more information mate chat.js and index.js file te jovo