Guide to install macOS Mojave on HP 15d002TX
Everything working except Intel wireless LAN. The installation was super easy. I have used Lilu and Whatevergreen kext for Intel hd graphics. AppleALC for audio.
Everything working except Audio and Ethernet. The installation was super easy.
I have used config_HD4000_1366x768.plist for base plist it is found here
I have used Lilu and Whatevergreen kext for Intel HD graphics 4000.
For WiFi, I have used ATH9KFixup.kext with boot args -ath9565 Link:
The IO80211Family.kext
and ATH9KInjector.kext
should be replaced in S/L/E
, then you have to rebuild kext cache. See the release section to get IO80211Family.kext
and ATH9KInjector.kext
The touchpad works, but not showing in the system preference->Trackpad.
- Apple for macOS.
- Acidanthera for most of the kexts.
- goodwin for ALCPlugFix.
- RehabMan for some patches.
- Steve Zheng for some patches.
- Sniki for some patches.
- daliansky for some patches.
- Moh_Ameen for some patches.
- al3xtjames for clover-theme-oss theme.
- ImmersiveX for clover-theme-minimal-dark theme.
- And anyone else that helped to develop and improve hackintoshing.