- Refactor: componentization transformation. #47 #62 #71 #72 #73 #81 #94 #161 #163 #177 #191 #192 #194 #196 #197 #204 #205 #213 #225 #228 #229 #232 #234 #237 #238 #239 #241 #250 #253 #254 #255 #266 #265 #267 #269 #273 #279 #281 #271 #283 #285 #286 #287 #295 #302 #307 #304 #308 #311 #330 #334 #335 #338 #351 #353 #354 #349 #355 #358 #359 #365 #366 #368 #369 #372 #375 #377 #378 #379 #387 #390 #395 #401 #402 #403 #410 #412 #413 #414 #415 #416 #417 #420 #421 #423 #426 #428 #439 #445 #453 #457 #464 #459 #465 #468 #474 #477 #478 #479 #485 #487 #486 #490 #492 #493 #494 #496 #497 #498 #501 #506 #508 #509 #511 #512 #519 #517 #437 #495 #525 #526 #528 #531 #532 #536 #538 #542 #543 #545 #546 #547 #549 #548 #551 #552 #558 #559 #556 #560 #553 #565 #562 #564 #566 #567 #571 #573 @yiiqii @RGCHN @wumaolinmaoan @Sruimeng @liuxi150
- Feat: add EffectComponent hit test. #165 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add effectsClass decorator. #193 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: support builtin object. #300 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: material texture property. #294 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: sprite component api and composition api. #306 @Sruimeng
- Feat: add image asset. #331 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add subMesh and animationClip. #347 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add sub composition track. #411 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add render order. #418 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add miscs. #427 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: Modified the Spine data structure and loading parsing process. #429 @RGCHN
- Feat: Added camera FOV ratio. #475 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: Added frame comparison tests related to Canvas2D rendering. #476 @Sruimeng
- Feat: Added gizmo coordinate space. #491 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: Added geometry binary serialization. #505 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: Revamped ECS for Spine resources and maintained compatibility with old data. #520 @RGCHN
- Feat: Opened awake lifetime function. #572 @wumaolinmaoan
- Refactor: update alipay downgrade plugin. #202 @liuxi150
- Refactor: Removed filter-related code. #297 @yiiqii
- Refactor: Removed dynamic text code and replaced it with text elements. #301 @yiiqii
- Refactor: Migrated fallback code and improved related types. #332 @yiiqii
- Refactor: Extracted TextComponentBase for use by engine-effects. #454 @yiiqii
- Refactor: Event system. #488 @Sruimeng
- Feat: add trail scene for custom material testing. #64 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: demo add custom material selection menu. #83 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add geometry normals support. #201 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: material asset texture property add offset and scale. #231 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add vignette effect. #284 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add Composition/VFXItem setPositionByPixel API. #357 @Sruimeng
- Feat: Removed the Player initialization parameter gl, which is no longer supported. #376 @yiiqii
- chore: Unified the default Texture creation method.
- Feat: Added export for textLayout and textStyle. #424 @Sruimeng
- Feat: Updated the pre-player version for the inspire example. #425 @yiiqii
- Feat: add postprocess volume. #510 @wumaolinmaoan
- Perf: opt post process. #524 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add new downgrade plugin and refactor Alipay downgrade plugin. #513 @liuxi150
- Feat: Support loading of images in avif format. #534 @yiiqii
- Feat: Added performance monitoring plugin. #544 @Sruimeng
- Feat: Removed the getPointPosition method from the particle mesh and added the getPointPositionByIndex method to the particleSystem. #554 @RGCHN
- Feat: Add shader factory for shader code preprocessing. #557 @liuxi150
- Build: Use swc plugin for generation. #240 @yiiqii
- Build: Fixed Windows command line problem. #350 @liuxi150
- Build: Standardized GLSL import method to include and optimized some GLSL. #430 @yiiqii
- Build: Support for Douyin mini-programs. #521 @yiiqii
- Chore: Code consolidation and normalization. #341 @yiiqii
- chore: Organize player file code
- style: Standardize spelling of framebuffer and renderbuffer
- refactor: Deprecated the handleEnd callback and replaced it with onEnd
- chore: Removed the deprecated forEach method
- Chore: Unified GLType types. #389 @yiiqii
- Chore: Added error messages for inconsistent plugin versions. #404 @yiiqii
- Chore: Added rendering level examples and removed renderLevel from composition. #419 @yiiqii
- Chore: Optimized player version retrieval logic for plugin version comparison. #433 @yiiqii
- Chore: Exposed certain properties and methods of composition. #436 @yiiqii
- Chore: Standardized and optimized error messages. #438 @yiiqii
- Refactor: componentization transformation。#47 #62 #71 #72 #73 #81 #94 #161 #163 #177 #191 #192 #194 #196 #197 #204 #205 #213 #225 #228 #229 #232 #234 #237 #238 #239 #241 #250 #253 #254 #255 #266 #265 #267 #269 #273 #279 #281 #271 #283 #285 #286 #287 #295 #302 #307 #304 #308 #311 #330 #334 #335 #338 #351 #353 #354 #349 #355 #358 #359 #365 #366 #368 #369 #372 #375 #377 #378 #379 #387 #390 #395 #401 #402 #403 #410 #412 #413 #414 #415 #416 #417 #420 #421 #423 #426 #428 #439 #445 #453 #457 #464 #459 #465 #468 #474 #477 #478 #479 #485 #487 #486 #490 #492 #493 #494 #496 #497 #498 #501 #506 #508 #509 #511 #512 #519 #517 #437 #495 #525 #526 #528 #531 #532 #536 #538 #542 #543 #545 #546 #547 #549 #548 #551 #552 #558 #559 #556 #560 #553 #565 #562 #564 #566 #567 #571 #573 @yiiqii @RGCHN @wumaolinmaoan @Sruimeng @liuxi150
- Feat: add EffectComponent hit test。#165 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add effectsClass decorator。#193 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: support builtin object。#300 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: material texture property。#294 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: sprite component api and composition api。#306 @Sruimeng
- Feat: add image asset。#331 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add subMesh and animationClip。#347 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add sub composition track。#411 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add render order。#418 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add miscs。#427 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: 修改 Spine 数据结构和加载解析流程。#429 @RGCHN
- Feat: add camera fov ratio。#475 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: 增加 Canvas2D 渲染相关帧对比测试。#476 @Sruimeng
- Feat: add gizmo coordinateSpace。#491 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add geometry binary serialize。#505 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: Spine 资源的 ECS 改造和旧数据兼容。#520 @RGCHN
- Feat: open awake lifetime function。#572 @wumaolinmaoan
- Refactor: update alipay downgrade plugin。#202 @liuxi150
- Refactor: 移除滤镜相关代码。#297 @yiiqii
- Refactor: 移除动态文本代码,使用文本元素替代。#301 @yiiqii
- Refactor: 迁移 fallback 代码,完善相关类型。#332 @yiiqii
- Refactor: 抽离 TextComponentBase,提供给 engine-effects 使用。#454 @yiiqii
- Refactor: event 系统。#488 @Sruimeng
- Feat: add trail scene for custom material testing。#64 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: demo add custom material selection menu。#83 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add geometry normals support。#201 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: material asset texture property add offset and scale。#231 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add vignette effect。#284 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: 增加 Composition/VFXItem setPositionByPixel API。#357 @Sruimeng
- Feat: 移除 Player 初始化参数 gl,不再支持。#376 @yiiqii
- chore: 统一默认 Texture 创建方法
- Feat: 增加 textLayout 及 textStyle 导出。#424 @Sruimeng
- Feat: 更新 inspire 示例的 pre player 版本。#425 @yiiqii
- Feat: add postprocess volume。#510 @wumaolinmaoan
- Perf: opt post process。#524 @wumaolinmaoan
- Feat: add new downgrade plugin and refactor Alipay downgrade plugin。#513 @liuxi150
- Feat: 支持 avif 格式图片的加载。#534 @yiiqii
- Feat: 增加性能监测插件。#544 @Sruimeng
- Feat: 移除粒子 mesh 上的 getPointPosition 方法,增加 particleSystem 上的 getPointPositionByIndex 方法。#554 @RGCHN
- Feat: add shader factory for shader code preprocessing。#557 @liuxi150
- Build: use swc plugin for generate。#240 @yiiqii
- Build: fix windows command line problem。#350 @liuxi150
- Build: 统一 glsl 导入方式为 include,优化部分 glsl。#430 @yiiqii
- Build: 支持抖音小程序。#521 @yiiqii
- Chore: Code consolidation and normalization。#341 @yiiqii
- chore: player 文件代码整理
- style: 规范 framebuffer 和 renderbuffer 拼写
- refactor: 下线不推荐的 handleEnd 回掉,使用 onEnd 替换
- chore: 移除不推荐的 forEach 方法
- Chore: 统一 GLType 类型。#389 @yiiqii
- Chore: 增加插件版本不一致时的错误提示。#404 @yiiqii
- Chore: 增加渲染等级示例并移除 composition 上的 renderLevel。#419 @yiiqii
- Chore: 优化插件版本对比的 Player 版本获取逻辑。#433 @yiiqii
- Chore: 暴露 composition 部分属性和方法。#436 @yiiqii
- Chore: 规范并优化报错信息。#438 @yiiqii
UNPKG: https://unpkg.com/@galacean/effects@2.0.0/dist/index.min.js
Note: Please do not use the above CDN links in the production environment!
注意:请不要在生产环境使用上面的 CDN 链接!