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MT2MQ (#465)
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mariecrane authored Jun 26, 2020
2 parents 66973ea + 53bcf55 commit 33b5789
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Showing 13 changed files with 14,783 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/.shed.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name: mt2mq
owner: galaxyp
description: Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome
long_description: |
Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome
- Proteomics
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/MT2MQ.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# MT2MQ: prepares metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM (HUMAnN2 and metaphlan) for metaquantome

# Load libraries

# Set parameters from arguments
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
data <- args[1]
# data: full path to file or directory:
# - if in functional or f-t mode, should be a tsv file of HUMAnN2 gene families, after regrouping and renaming to GO, joining samples, and renormalizing to CPM.
# - if in taxonomic mode, should be a directory of tsv files of metaphlan genus-level results
mode <- args[2]
# mode:
# -"f": function
# -"t": taxonomy
# -"ft": function-taxonomy
ontology <- unlist(strsplit(args[3], split = ","))
# ontology: only for function or f-t mode. A string of the GO namespace(s) to include, separated by commas.
# ex: to include all: "molecular_function,biological_process,cellular_component"
outfile <- args[4]
# outfile: full path with pathname and extension for output

# Functional mode
if (mode == "f"){
out <- read.delim(file=data, header=TRUE, sep='\t') %>%
filter(!grepl(".+g__.+",X..Gene.Family)) %>%
separate(col=X..Gene.Family, into=c("id", "Extra"), sep=": ", fill="left") %>%
separate(col=Extra, into = c("namespace", "name"), sep = " ", fill="left", extra="merge") %>%
mutate(namespace = if_else(namespace == "[MF]", true = "molecular_function", false = if_else(namespace == "[BP]", true = "biological_process", false = "cellular_component"))) %>%
filter(namespace %in% ontology) %>%
select(id, name, namespace, 4:ncol(.))

# Taxonomic mode
if (mode == "t"){
files <- dir(path = data)
out <- tibble(filename = files) %>%
mutate(file_contents= map(filename, ~read.delim(file=file.path(data, .), header=TRUE, sep = "\t"))) %>%
unnest(cols = c(file_contents)) %>%
rename(sample = filename) %>%
separate(col = sample, into = c("sample",NA), sep=".tsv") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sample, values_from = abundance) %>%
mutate(rank = "genus") %>%
rename(name = genus) %>%
mutate(id = row_number(name)) %>% # filler for taxon id but should eventually find a way to get id from ncbi database
select(id, name, rank, 2:ncol(.))

# Function-taxonomy mode
if (mode == "ft"){
out <- read.delim(file=data, header=TRUE, sep='\t') %>%
filter(grepl(".+g__.+",X..Gene.Family)) %>%
separate(col=X..Gene.Family, into=c("id", "Extra"), sep=": ", fill="left") %>%
separate(col=Extra, into = c("namespace", "name"), sep = " ", fill="left", extra="merge") %>%
separate(col = name, into = c("name", "taxa"), sep="\\|", extra = "merge") %>%
separate(col = taxa, into = c("Extra", "genus", "species"), sep = "__") %>% select(-"Extra") %>%
mutate_if(is.character, str_replace_all, pattern = "\\.s", replacement = "") %>%
mutate_at(c("species"), str_replace_all, pattern = "_", replacement = " ") %>%
mutate(namespace = if_else(namespace == "[MF]", true = "molecular_function", false = if_else(namespace == "[BP]", true = "biological_process", false = "cellular_component"))) %>%
filter(namespace %in% ontology) %>%
select(id, name, namespace, 4:ncol(.))

# Write file
write.table(x = out, file = outfile, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t");
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/MT2MQ.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<tool id="mt2mq" name="MT2MQ" version="1.0">
<description>Tool to prepare metatranscriptomic outputs from ASaiM for Metaquantome</description>
<requirement type="package" version="1.2.1">r-tidyverse</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
#if $options.mode == "f" or $options.mode == "ft":
Rscript '$__tool_directory__/MT2MQ.R' '$options.input_files' '$options.mode' $options.ontology '$mq_output'
#elif $options.mode == "t":
mkdir in_dir
#for $input in $options.input_files:
&& cp '$input' 'in_dir/${'.',1)[0]}'
#end for
&& Rscript '$__tool_directory__/MT2MQ.R' in_dir t NA '$mq_output'
#end if

<conditional name="options">
<param type="select" display="radio" name="mode" label="Mode">
<option value="f">Functional</option>
<option value="t" selected="true">Taxonomic</option>
<option value="ft">Functional-Taxonomic</option>
<when value="t">
<param name="ontology" type="hidden" value="NA" />
<param type="data" name="input_files" format="tsv,tabular,txt" label="Files from ASaiM for all samples (named after sample)" multiple="true" />
<when value="f">
<param type="select" name="ontology" label="GO namespace" multiple="true" optional="false">
<option value="molecular_function">molecular function</option>
<option value="biological_process">biological proces</option>
<option value="cellular_component">cellular component</option>
<param type="data" name="input_files" format="tsv,tabular,txt" label="File from HUMAnN2 after regrouping, renaming, joining, and renormalizing" />
<when value="ft">
<param type="select" name="ontology" label="GO namespace" multiple="true" optional="false">
<option value="molecular_function">molecular function</option>
<option value="biological_process">biological proces</option>
<option value="cellular_component">cellular component</option>
<param type="data" name="input_files" format="tsv,tabular,txt" label="File from HUMAnN2 after regrouping, renaming, joining, and renormalizing" />

<data name="mq_output" format="tabular" label="${options.mode}_output.tabular"/>

<conditional name="options">
<param name="mode" value="t"/>
<param name="input_files" value="T4A.tsv,T4B.tsv,T4C.tsv,T7A.tsv,T7B.tsv,T7C.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
<param name="ontology" value="NA"/>
<output name="mq_output">
<has_text text="rank"/>
<has_text text="genus"/>
<has_text text="Clostridium"/>
<conditional name="options">
<param name="mode" value="f"/>
<param name="input_files" value="T4T7_func.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
<param name="ontology" value="molecular_function"/>
<output name="mq_output">
<has_text text="namespace"/>
<has_text text="molecular_function"/>
<has_text text="0000014"/>
<conditional name="options">
<param name="mode" value="ft"/>
<param name="input_files" value="T4T7_func.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
<param name="ontology" value="biological_process"/>
<output name="mq_output">
<has_text text="namespace"/>
<has_text text="genus"/>
<has_text text="biological_process"/>
<has_text text="Clostridium"/>

**MT2MQ**: Metatranscriptomics to Metaquantome
MT2MQ is a tool to prepare metatrascriptomic results from ASaiM for further analysis with MetaQuantome, which currently only supports metaproteomic data. This tool has three modes:
- **Taxonomic**: takes in genus-level MetaPhlAn2 results for each sample. The input files should be named as the sample.
- Output: a single tabular file formatted for use as input for Metaquantome's taxonomic mode.
- **Functional**: takes in a single file of HUMAnN2 results, regrouped and renamed to GO terms, with all samples joined together into one table, and renormalized to CPM. See the MT2MQ functional workflow for these processing steps. User can choose which GO namespace(s) to include.
- Output: a single tabular file formatted for use as input for Metaquantome's functional mode.
- **Functional/taxonomic**: takes the same input as the functional mode. User can choose which GO namespace(s) to include.
- Output: a single tabular file including all GO terms and the taxa which express them and their abundances for each sample. This file *cannot* be used as input for Metaquantome.
MT2MQ produces a single tabular output, formatted to be used as input for Metaquantome or for other analysis.

<citation type="bibtex">
author={Crane, Marie},
title={Metatranscriptomics to MetaQuantome}
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/test-data/T4A.tsv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
genus abundance
Clostridium 68.36603
Coprothermobacter 31.23635
Methanothermobacter 0.3807
Escherichia 0.01692
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/test-data/T4B.tsv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
genus abundance
Clostridium 60.78776
Coprothermobacter 38.9515
Methanothermobacter 0.26075
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tools/mt2mq/test-data/T4C.tsv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
genus abundance
Clostridium 68.49482
Coprothermobacter 31.0739
Methanothermobacter 0.43128

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