Collection of smart contracts for the gallactic crowdsale follows a Dutch Auction model similar to Gnosis and Raiden projects.
Nodejs v8+
- Install truffle
npm i truffle -g
Node: If your truffle version is less then v4.1.14, you need to manually update solidity to v0.4.25.
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle
npm install solc@0.4.25
- Install all dependencies
npm i
- Install ganache-cli or GUI
npm install -g ganache-cli
You should have Ganache running in the background
ganache-cli -e 5000000 -a 20
- Compile, deploy and test smart contracts
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle test
These commands apply to the RPC provider running on port 8545.
For standard smart contracts like Ownable, SafeMath we use OpenZeppelin's library for secure implementation.
All smart contracts are released under MIT.