This is a project that uses observables in Room, with RxJava's Single`s objects. Based on Android architecture components
- Shows a public gists
- Save a list of lists locally
- Favorite gists locally
- List the gist file type
- Show detail owner gist
- name
- photo
- Search for owner name
- Swipe refresh
The project follows the concept of Android architecture components:
To use the concept of productFlavors two flavors with different colors were added to represent two applications with the same codebase.
- githubblue
- githubgreen
The following strategies were used for local storage, data connection, asynchronous calls and dependency injection.
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit
- Dagger2
- Room
- Navigation
- GistMapperTest
- GistRepositoryImplTest
- GistMapperTest
- GistViewModelTest
- In Progress
- Rx Android (Urgent)
- Infinity Scroll