3 weeks long boot camp teaching university students the basics of game development and programming. Made in Unity 3D with C#.
Download and install Git Classic at https://git-scm.com/downloads and Unity 2020.3.15f1 at https://unity3d.com/fr/get-unity/download/archive
On command line
git clone https://github.com/gamedevmcgill/F2021-Unity-Bootcamp-FPS.git
Within the Unity Bootcamp Folder folder, checkout the branch that has the episode you want to view. In command line, X is the episode number corresponding to the bootcamp session.
git checkout episodeX
Open Unity Hub and click Add.
Select the Unity Bootcamp Folder on your computer from cloning.
Use the Unity version (or similar version) written next to the added project, then click on that project panel to open in Unity.
- Website: https://unity.com/
- Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.3/Documentation/Manual/index.html
- episode0 (Starting project)
- episode1 (Setup and Character Controller)
- episode2 (Combat and Enemy AI)
- episode3 (UI and Game Loop) (See patch notes)
Note: After each session a new episode will be released along with its assets.
Contact the current exec team of GameDev McGill, McGill's game development undergraduate student society via:
- Email: gamedev.tech@mcgilleus.ca
- Website: https://www.gamedevmcgill.ca/
- Facebook: GameDev McGill
- Discord Server: use the channels in the F2021-Bootcamp category