Depricated. Please see - [ngx-profile] (
This is an Angular 2 application developed using typescript v2.0.2.
This program uses the following repositories:
- [Angular 2.0.0] (
- [ng2-translate 2.5.0] (
Theme #1: Demo of theme1
Theme #2: Demo of theme2
- PreBuilt JSON based sample profile
- MultiLingual Support
- Multi-Theme System: Chnage of Theme/Template is simplified
- JSON based data store, so no Database installation
- Bootstrap 4 Support
- Step #1: Download and extract .zip file
- Step #2: Extract the zip file contents to a folder (ex: profile)
- Step #3: (only if the folder is not in the web servcer document-root):
Edit the file index.html
<base href="/profile" /> <!-- Change this to the folder of your deployment only when it is not on document-root -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Change to
profile should be the folder where you have extracted your files.
Find the json file: i18n/.json
Edit the content of the json file to change Logo, Caption, Menu Items, Footer Text and the complete Profile data.
Dynamic modification of title and meta-tags are not supported yet.
Please open index.html
and change them manually.
Themes are available in the folder named themes
It is possible to change between the themes which are in the themes
File: app/globals.ts
and app/globals.js
if you are using npm lite-server it will re-create .js file from .ts file, otherwise plase change in the .js file
exports.themeName = 'theme1'; // change to any available theme