Python implementation of basic algorithms in Introduction to Algorithms class. Here is the video 1 and video 2.
2.1 Array
- Applications
2.2 Linked list
2.3 Stack
- FILO: elements are added from the front and removed from the front
- Applications
- FIFO: elements are added from the back and removed from the front
- Applications
- BFS in graph
- PriorityQueue
2.5 Hash
- It is set: unique and non-order
- (key, value), the key point of Hash is index of key
- Applications
- Unique
numbers with range[0, m)
- Solution 1: Quicksort with time complexity
and space complexityO(1)
- Solution 2: Countsort with time complexity
O(n + m)
and space complexityO(m)
- Solution 3: hash
- Mod operation
- Solution 1: Quicksort with time complexity
- 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 1. Two Sum
- Unique
- Useful for dynamic set(i.e., insert or delete element) query
- Applications
- It is always complete binary tree: root
, left2*i
, right2*i+1
- Applications
- It is always complete binary tree: root
2.8 Graph
G = (V, E)
- Storage
- Traversal
- DFS by stack
- BFS by queue
- Topological sorting in DAG
- Time complexity:
- It is used to schedule jobs from the given dependencies among jobs
- There may exist several topological sorting results for one graph
- Applications
- Time complexity:
- Shortest path
- Dijkstra
- From source node
to any other node - Key
- Relax operation to maintain shortest distance from
to any other node - Weight must be positive
- Relax operation to maintain shortest distance from
- Time complexity:
- Applications
- From source node
- Floyd
- All pairs shortest path
- Dijkstra
- Finite (有穷性)
- Determinate (确定性)
- Feasible (可行性)
- Input & output
- Time
- Basic operation times
- Expectation time of quicksort
- Lower-bound of comparison-based sorting algorithms
- Space
- Memory usage
- Difference
- Space can be reused
- Time and space can be interchanged (e.g. Hash)
O(1) < O(lgn) < O(n^(1/2)) < O(n) < O(nlgn) < O(n^2) < O(n^3) < O(2^n) < O(n!)
3.3.1 Exhaustive (穷举法)
- N-queen
- N permutation
- Binary search
- MergeSort
- Principle
- Cache: 1d array, 2d matrix, 3d tensor, map
- bottom-up
- Scenario
- [1] Most: big (最大), small (最小), long (最长), optimum (最优), counting (计数)
- [2] Recursive formula: f(n) = F(n-1)
- Applications
- 509. Fibonacci Number
- 198. House Robber 0/1 knapsack without conditions
- 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum, 0/1 knapsack
- 72. Edit Distance
- 70. Climbing Stairs, counting
- 322. Coin Change
- Dynamic Programming Practice Problems
- Principle
3.3.4 Greedy
- Topological sorting
- Dijkstra
- Local optimal is global optimal
- Prim
- Kruskal
- Lecture 1: introduction, analysis of algorithms, insertion sort, merge sort.
- Lecutre 2: asymptotic notation, solving recurrences: substitution, recurrsion tree, master.
- Lecutre 3: divide and conquer, binary search, merge sort, x to the power of n, matrix multiplication of Fibonacci numbers, Strassen matrix multiplication.
- Lecutre 4: quick sort, randomized quick sort.
- Lecutre 5: comparison sorting, decision tree model, sort in linear time: couting sort, radix sort, stable sorting algorithm
- Lecutre 6: find the k-th element: quick select, worst-case linear-time order statistics
- Lecutre 7: Hash, hash function, load factor, collision: chaining, open addressing
- Lecutre 8: universal hashing
- Lecutre 9: binary search tree, bst sort, Jensen's equality, convex, expected random build bst height is O(lgn)
- Lecutre 10: red-black tree, rb-insert, rotation
- Lecutre 11: dynamic order statistics, data structure augmentation, interval tree
- Lecutre 12: dynamic programming two hallmarks, longest common subsequence
- Lecutre 13
- Lecutre 14
- Lecutre 15
- Lecutre 16
- Lecutre 17
- Lecutre 18
- Lecutre 19
- Lecutre 20
- Lecutre 21
- Lecutre 22
- Codes
- Chapter 1
- 1.1 How to test a algorithm?
- First: it works
- Second: robust to boundary value or invalid value
- Third: optimize it by considering time and space complexity
- 1.2 How to solve a hard problem?
- First: think it at a whole
- Second: from
n=1, n=2
; make an example; visualize it
- 1.1 How to test a algorithm?