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Data Squad - Platform Lab

Live Coding: Building a Cloud Platform with AWS EKS and DevOps Tools

This is your one-stop shop to learn how to build a scalable and secure cloud platform with AWS EKS and essential DevOps tools. We'll dive deep into a live, interactive environment, so get ready to code alongside us!

What We'll Be Building:

DevOps Tools: 🛠️

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform 📜
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): GitHub/GitHub Actions ⚙️
  • Observability: Prometheus, Loki, Grafana 📊
  • Deployment Management: ArgoCD

Backend Configuration:

  • Database (DB): Postgres RDS
  • Application (App): Spring application deployed on Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Data Platform Components:

  • Data Lake: Amazon S3
  • Orchestration: Airflow
  • ELT Process: DBT
  • Data Ingestion: AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)
  • Data Warehouse (DWH): Amazon Redshift
  • Reporting Tool: Metabase

Why Follow Along?

  • Learn by Doing: Forget pre-recorded perfection. We'll embrace the "real world" by encountering and fixing errors together, providing valuable troubleshooting experience.
  • Hands-on Learning: Create an AWS account and follow along with the steps. This is your chance to build your own platform alongside us!
  • Focus on Practical Skills: We'll prioritize the tools and techniques you can use immediately, not just theoretical concepts.
  • Beginner-Friendly: No prior knowledge of everything is required. We'll break down complex topics into manageable steps.
  • Embrace Mistakes: Learning happens through doing, and making mistakes is inevitable. We'll learn from them together!
  • Peer Programming: This live format fosters collaboration and discussion, encouraging peer programming techniques.


  • Should we have one account for dev, uat, and prod?
  • How to do inplace modification for critical usecases? Ex. Change storage for the database
  • Can we use advanced analytics window functions on mongo DB?

AWS Deployment

Architecture Design

  • ContainerDiagram Architecture-ContainerDiagram.jpg
  • Network Topology Architecture-Network Topology.jpg
  • Deployment Diagram Architecture-DeploymentDiagram.jpg

Execution checklist

  • Terraform

    • Administrator User
    • Configure local CLI
    • Terraform S3 Bucket
  • VPC

    • CIDRs
    • Availability zones
    • Infra, Private subnet, Public Subnet
    • NAT Gateway
  • IAM

    • OIDC Provider
    • Github OIDC
    • ECR OIDC
  • S3

    • Landing zone
    • Archive
    • Logs
  • RDS

    • Secret manager
    • Parameter groups
    • Security groups
    • Postgres
    • BE Database
  • Secret Manager

    • Rotate secrets
  • EKS

    • VPC-CNI and IRSA
    • Node Group
    • EBS-CSI and IRSA
  • Applications

    • External Secret Operator
    • Nginx Ingress
    • Cert-Manager
    • ArgoCD
      • Configure external secret for admin password
      • tfk8s:, to migration Argo to Terraform Manifest sh kubectl get -n argocd petclinic -o yaml | tfk8s --strip -o
      • Configure Metabase
    • Pet Clinic
    • Metabase
      • Can we use helm?
    • Automation Job for db creation.
    • Move Cert Manager, nginx-ingress, eso, cluster issuer, airflow, metabase to ArgoCD.
    # Example of Automation Job to create the db user. 
      apiVersion: batch/v1
      kind: Job
        name: create-postgres-db-user
            - name: init-postgres
              image: postgres:alpine  # Replace with your preferred Postgres image
              command: ["sh", "-c"]
              args: ["psql -h postgres -U postgres -f /sql/init.sql"]
              - name: sql-init
                mountPath: /sql
            - name: sql-init
                name: postgres-init-sql
        restartPolicy: OnFailure  # Run the job only once and retry on failure
      # ConfigMap containing the SQL script
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: postgres-init-sql
        init.sql: |-
          CREATE USER {{username}} WITH PASSWORD '{{password}}';
          CREATE DATABASE {{database_name}} OWNER {{username}};
          GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE {{database_name}} TO {{username}};  	
    • Grafana
    • Prometheus
    • Loki
    • Airflow
    • Security:
      • Consolidate everything to use KMS and one KMS per account. (SM, RDS, Redshift)
      • Revamp IRSA to not grant KMS
      • Merge the RDS admin SM.
      • Limit the service that can access each secret manager not only the iam role


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