This program creates a Tic Tac Toe and Number Tic Tac Toe Game with 2 players
This program uses GUI, encapsulation, setters and getters, and OOP. The user can run Tic Tac Toe game from terminal or with the GUI. With the GUI, the user can also choose game between Tic Tac Toe or Number Tic Tac Toe. The program will let the user to play and it will determine the winning condition such as if the game is a tie or a player wins. If the user enters an invalid location, the program will ask the user to enter the value again. The program allows the user to save the game to a file. The winner for the tic tac toe is determined by who can connect 3 Xs or Os first. The game is considered a tie if the board is full and no winner is found. The winner for the number tic tac toe is determined by who can connect 3 digits that adds up to 15 or more no matter if the number connected is even or odd. The file for the saved game is located inside the assets folder.
- The program requires to be run in a pc that has java downloaded
- The program requires terminal to play the non-GUI version of the tic tac toe game
Note: Executing will vary for everyone
scioer start and scioer shell
cd to folder A3
To build the program: gradle build
To run the program in terminal: java -cp build/classes/java/main tictactoe.TextUI
To run the program for GUI: java -jar build/libs/A3.jar
gradle build
java -cp build/classes/java/main tictactoe.TextUI
java -jar build/libs/A3.jar
- Expected output:
across? (0 to quit)
Player 2 please indicate where you would like to put your token.
across? (0 to quit)
- Load and Save player profile is not yet functional
- Load the game from a file is not yet functional
- Name: Gariel Mahwastu
- Email:
- November 21
- Finished building the terminal game
- November 23
- Adding features to GUI
- November 30
- Fixing errors and adding features to the GUI
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.