This repos contains the stimulation code and analysis code/data for the 2 experiments presented in Garner, Bowman & Raymond, Incentive value and spatial certainty combine addditively to determine visual priorities BioRxiv:
(c) Kelly Garner, 2019
Any questions contact:
You are allowed to use this data and software for free, but please acknowledge/cite the authors if you publish your efforts
For both experiments the following structure applies:
/Contains EXP1/ and EXP2/ (See below)
/Exp_1_2_ANALYSIS.R is the code for the main analysis (presented in the results section), with some additional NHST analyses. Notes for running are documented at the top of the code
/Exp_1_2_Figures.R produces figures 2 and 3 from the paper. Again, see notes at the top of the code for the guide to running
/EXP[1 or 2]
/TASK Contains task/stimulation code. See notes at the top of the run code - e.g. cue_probs_v*.m for dependencies and instructions for running
EXP2 has extra .mat files - these contain variables for the predetermined counterbalancing across participants
/wideform_summary_data/ contains group summary data files in wideform, for RT and Accuracy respectively, so that non-R users can recreate the analyses in the paper in their own software packages
.4/.6 | .2/.8 etc = cue certainty condition
valid | invalid = cue validity
high | low = value of the location where the target appeared
static | decay (exp 2 only) = reward condition