a simple single file nodejs project showing how to write chainlink(v1) external adapter and initiator
while there are documents and some sample templates from both official chainlink account on github as well as some other sources, all of them are over complicated(unnecessary so).
This is a single index.js file that show case the minimal(but essential functions) that is needed in order to implement a chainlink external adapter as well as external initiator, so it can be used as both at the same time or for their individual functionality.
so basically a documentation in code that can be tested.
the initiator is created as below(matching the sample job.json), this command requires login first via 'chainlink admin login'(and use the same credential for the web ui)
FEATURE_EXTERNAL_INITIATORS=true chainlink initiators geth5watch http://localhost:3002/jobs
in order to enable the chainlink async mode for external adapter, the node must be running with the following environment variable defined, which points to the chainlink node endpoint(change it if it is behind proxy)
the documentations for chainlink(as node operator/developer), though it does not cover everything(read this document as well as the source to get the full picture of what is needed)