All your favourate movies in one place. It contains movies from 1960's to 2017. Created using Javascript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. I have done this project solely for Hackathon MLH Hack Past
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I have created this project keeping the hackathon theme in mind of retro, I'm passionate for seeing movies whether its old or new.
Its a website that has movies from 1960s to 2017, all popular movies in one place. It also has the option for booking tickets and seeing latest news.
I have used Javascript, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS fro creating the website.
I wasn't able to execute all the functionalities in the given time and was also short of some technical skills.
I'm proud that i was able to make my own movie website with some old movies.
Old Movies information and some new facts related to web technologies.
I will add more movies and some link to watch the trailer of this movie.