Utility to generate PDF documentation of a web application's features
- Generate UI Automation Specs, without writing code.
- Translate the generated specs into production ready documentation/user guide of your web-application.
- Generate easily shippable PDF per feature of your application with screenshots of the steps.
- Explain the consumer how to use your application in easy steps.
$ git clone https://github.com/gauravbehere/documate
$ npm install
$ npm run setup
(install with default settings)
$ npm run setconfig
$ npm run start
$npm run record "path to spec file"
(format: recorder/spec/myFeature.spec.js)
$ npm run singletest "path to spec file"
(eg: recorder/spec/myFeature.spec.js)
$ npm run generateDoc
(Generates PDF documented steps in the same folder, with the version number provided in config file.)
* Documate.js configuration
* Generate documentation/user guide/pdf for your web-application
* @author: Gaurav Behere, gaurav.techgeek@gmail.com
* URL: https://github.com/gauravbehere/documate
module.exports = {
"attributes": "aria-label,title", /* Attribs to look for in DOM element */
"eventsToDocument": ["url", "click", "sendKeys"], /* Out of the events recorder through uirecorder, events which we are interested in documenting */
"browsers": "chrome", /* comma seperated browser list: chrome, ie 11 etc*/
* Format the PDF content, set header & footer styles
"pdfOptions": {
"format": 'Letter',
"header": {
"height": "5mm",
"contents": '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 24px;">Product User Guide</div><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 24px;">Version: 1.0</div><hr>'
"footer": {
"height": "10mm",
"contents": "<hr><div style='text-align: center; font-size: 24px;'>Generated Through 'Documate' - Automated Documentation Generator</div>"
"docVersion": 1.2, /* Increment this for a new set of product guide */
"specFeatureMap": {
* Add a entry here to describe what the test case does.
* eg: "google.Directions.spec.js": "Finding directions between two places using google maps"
"google.Directions.spec.js": "Finding directions between two places using google maps"
- UIRecorder: https://github.com/alibaba/uirecorder (Big Thanks to Alibaba !)
- NodeJS > v7.x
For better results & meaningful steps, the UI elements should have meaningful id, aria-label & title.
MIT, Gaurav Behere, gaurav.techgeek@gmail.com, http://gauravbehere.in
! Do contribute, raise PR if you see anything which can be done better.