Foxeye is a university project, it is made with high focus being on learning part, it's not perfect, but it works
Foxeye uses rust for almost everything except web ui, it uses WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 model to generate embeddings
foxeye consists of different modules that are :-
- Crawler
- Parser
- Embedder
- Search
- Db (lib)
- Utils (lib)
- Client (web ui)
basic flow of foxeye goes like this
crawler loads configured website and their robots.txt and starts crawling sites, it uses set of rules to figure if it is ok to crawl once all rules pass it crawls site and save raw html in redis and send its id to parser using rabbit mq
once parser gets the id it parses the raw html, extract text and urls from it, it then saves url and html in database and sends id to embedder after getting id from embedder it gets document from database using id and splits and embed it depending on model input size
participant C as Crawler
participant R as Redis
participant P as Parser
participant D as Database
participant E as Embedder
participant S as Server
participant Cl as Client
Cl->>S: sends query
S->>D: similarity search
D->>S: search results
S->>Cl: search results
C->>R: saves raw HTML
C->>P: sends Redis key
P->>R: gets raw HTML
P->>D: saves text and URLs
P->>E: sends document ID
E->>D: saves embeddings