A tiny library that defining a proxy()
function which
allows an Interceptor
for method invocation and attribute
evaluation to be attached to a Ceylon object.
This library works on both JVM and JavaScript VMs.
Ceylon 1.3.2 is required.
For the proxy()
function to work correctly on the JVM,
EE compiler mode must be enabled.
value person = Person("Gavin");
Person proxiedPerson = proxy {
object handler satisfies Interceptor<Person> {
shared actual Return call<Return,Args>
(Person target, String name, Args args, Return method(Args args))
given Args satisfies Anything[] {
print("calling '``name``()' with args ``args``");
return method(args);
shared actual Type get<Type>
(Person target, String name, Type attribute) {
print("got '``name``'");
return attribute;