A to do list app for movies.
Watchlist is your new to-do list for movies. Instead of trying to remember what movies you'd like to watch, just add them to Watchlist, where you can view them anywhere with an internet connection.
Watchlist is super simple: register, and you'll be taken to your watchlist, which will initially be empty. Click on the 'Add' button in the navbar to start adding movies. Type in the movie you'd like to search for, and it will be added to your list.
Can't remember the name of that movie you wanted to watch? Just log into Watchlist!
Finally got around to watching that movie? Click the button at the end of the movie's row to delete it.
- Bootstrap
- Python
- Flask
- SQLite
Watchlist's movie data is from iTunes via their API, which technically means that a movie has to be on iTunes in order to add it to your Watchlist. As of April 2020, there are 65,000 movies in the iTunes store, so hopefully you won't feel too limited when searching.
You can check out Watchlist here: https://gavischneider.pythonanywhere.com/login