A jobs provider for the Founders & Coders members, where the graduates could look for jobs and present their interests in the ones which they like to work on.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:gazaskygeeks/FAC-jobs-platform.git
Or easely click here
If cloning, install the packages:
npm i
If not; you should have GitHub account and a founders and coders membership 😄
Run the following commands.
On github, go to Settings > Developer settings > OAuth applications. For your application url use http://localhost:3000, and as your callback url, use http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback. Create a
file, and store in it your GITHUB_CLIENTID, GITHUB_SECRET , and DATABASE_URL like so:
GITHUB_CLIENTID=<insert client_id here>
GITHUB_SECRET=<insert client_secret here>
COOKIEKEY=<insert a random text>
The npm install would have added env2. We need to now create a config.env file in the root directory.
Note: Here are some quick instructions to remind you how to set up a database:
In terminal type psql, or pgcli if installed. Within psql/pcli enter the following commands each followed by a return. Things in square brackets are for your desired values. Note that password is a string inside ' ' (NOT double quotes ""):
Go out from pgcli db:
Then enter:
pgcli <database name>
CREATE USER <user name> with password <your password>
Add the database URL in the following format, adding your database's details in your config.env file:
DATABASE_URL_LOCALLY = postgres://[username]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database]
Build the database with:
npm run build:db
Deployed Using Heroku
- ReactJs
- NodeJs
- ExpressJs
- React-Redux
- Redux
The proccess goes like:
- Splitting the project to sprints
- Splitting the sprint to user stories then to issues using milestones method
- Getting every pull request reviewed by the rest of the team and overviewed by the scrum master
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Aisha - Scrum Master - Aisha
- Walaa Mohtaseb - Team Leader-Member - WalaaMohtaseb
- Yahya Barrawi - Team Member - YahyaBarrawi
- Mahmoud Hmaid - Team Member - MahmoudHmaid
- Yasmin Hillis - Team Member - YasminHillis