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High level context diagrams

Chirangivi Bhat edited this page Dec 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

Untitled Diagram (3)


Account management:

User Personas - Patients, Doctors, Hospital Administrators, Website Admins

Description and functionalities:

  • Users can create their account on MediLink while providing information specific to the type of that user.
  • After registering with the website, the user should be able to login with those credentials any time they want. In a situation where the user cannot remember their credentials, then they can simply reset their credentials.
  • After logging in the website, the user can navigate to their profile page to view all related information and edit them if required.
  • If the user wants to remove themselves from MediLink, then they have the option to delete their account in their profile page.

User Stories:

  • As patient, I want to create an account so that I can access the website to connect with health professionals
  • As doctor, I want to create an account so that I can access website to provide my services to patients.
  • As a hospital administrator, I want to create an account so that I can access the website to manage bookings for a hospital.
  • As website administrator, I want to add another administrator so that the new user has increased privileges over the website functionality.
  • As a user, I want to be able to log into the website so that I can exist my existing account using my credentials.
  • As a user, I want to recover my login credentials so that I can access my account even after losing my credentials.
  • As a doctor, I want to be able to view and edit my account information so that I can keep it updated based on my current state.
  • As a hospital admin, I want to be able to view and edit my account details to keep it updated based on my current status.
  • As patient, I want to view and edit my account details page so that I can view my account and update it based on my current status.
  • As website administrator, I want to view and edit my account details so that I can keep it updated with my current status.
  • As user, I want to be able to delete my account so that I can remove my details from this website.

Searching and filtering Hospitals:

User Personas - Patients, Doctors, Hospital Administrators, Website Admins

Description and functionalities:

  • Any user (even the ones not logged in) can view the list of hospitals based on a set of filters, like location, that can be chosen through selecting options in the filter pane.
  • The list of hospitals are displayed on a new page with a summary card for each item including information like rating, location, summary, doctors, etc.
  • Upon clicking on the hospital card, the user is navigated to another page displaying additional details of the hospital including user reviews and a list of doctors associated with this hospital.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to view the details of the hospital so that I can get the information I need for that hospital.
  • As a user, I want to view the list of all hospitals in MediLink so that I can get their summary.
  • As a user, I want to view a popup with the contact details of the hospital on their respective list page so that I can contact them.
  • As a user, I want to enter my search for a hospital on the home page so that I can be presented with their list.
  • As user, I want to view the google map view of a location so that I can plan my hospital visit better.

Searching and filtering Doctors:

User Personas - Patients, Doctors, Hospital Administrators, Website Admins

Description and functionalities:

  • Any user (even the ones not logged in) can view the list of doctors based on a set of filters, like specialization, that can be chosen through selecting options in the filter pane.
  • The list of doctors are displayed on a new page with a summary card for each item including information like rating, location, summary, specializations, etc.
  • Upon clicking on any card, the user is navigated to another page displaying additional details of the doctor including user reviews and the various health centers that they are associated with.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to view the details of the doctor so that I can get the information I need for that doctor
  • As a user, I want to view the list of all doctors in MediLink so that I can get their summary.
  • As a user, I want to view a popup with the contact details of the doctor on their respective list page so that I can contact them.
  • As a user, I want to enter my search for a doctor on the home page so that I can be presented with their list.
  • As user, I want to view the google map view of a location so that I can plan my doctor visit better.

Manage Hospital Bookings:

User Personas - Patients, Hospital Administrators

Description and functionalities:

  • Patients can book an offline visit to the hospital of their choice by clicking on the create booking button in the hospital details page. This window will include all information about the appointment and the user can also mention any accessibility needs if required.
  • Patients and Hospital admins can update the appointment after confirmation from the other party in case the circumstances call for it.
  • If the user or the hospital administrator cannot commit to the appointment, then they can cancel it. This would also let the other party know that it is canceled.

User Stories:

  • As a patient, I want to be able to view the hospital booking window so that I can enter my appointment details.
  • As a patient, I want <to submit a hospital booking request after entering my details so that I can visit the hospital.
  • As a patient, I want to view the 'doctor visit' booking window when no doctor is associated with that hospital so that I can enter my appointment details.
  • As a patient, I want to submit a doctor visit request in a hospital that has no existing appointments so that I can visit a doctor in that hospital
  • As a hospital admin, I want to approve/reject an onsite appointment so that I can update the appointment in my schedule.
  • As a patient/hospital admin, I want to view the list of onsite appointments so that I can keep track of my appointment history.
  • As patient/hospital admin, I want to cancel my onsite appointments so that I can notify the other party regarding the change in plan.

Manage Online Consultations:

User Personas - Patients, Doctors

Description and functionalities:

  • Patients can book appointments with a doctor of their choice so that they can have consultations online. The appointment window will include all the details necessary for both parties to get a summary of the issue.
  • Patients and doctors can update their appointment after confirmation from the other party in case the circumstances call for it.
  • If the user or the doctor cannot commit to the appointment, then they can cancel it. This would also let the other party know that it is canceled.

User Stories:

  • As a patient, I want to be able to view the consultation booking window so that I can enter my consultation details.
  • As a patient, I want to submit a consultation request after entering my details so that I can meet with the doctor online.
  • As a patient, I want to submit an online consultation request with a doctor that has no existing appointments so that I can chat with the doctor online
  • As a patient, I want to view the 'online consultation' appointment window so that I can enter my consultation details
  • As a doctor, I want to approve/reject an online consultation so that I can update the appointment in my schedule.
  • As patient/doctor, I want to cancel my online consultation so that I can notify the other party regarding the change in plan.
  • As a patient/doctor, I want to view the list of online consultations so that I can keep track of my appointment history.

Manage Chats for Online Consultations

User Personas - Patients, Doctors

Description and functionalities

  • Patients and doctors can chat with each other to provide/receive online consultations and prescriptions if necessary.
  • These users can view the history of previous chats to maintain their health records.
  • Provide Ratings and Reviews
  • User Personas - Patients
  • Description and functionalities
  • Patients can give a rating and write a review/suggestion about a hospital or a doctor based on their appointment with them.
  • Users can also reply to other reviews to include their own experiences.

User Stories:

  • As a patient, I want to view all the messages from a particular chat so that I can review the online consultation.
  • As a user, I want to see the most recent reviews for a hospital so that I can see how people feel about the medical institution.
  • As a patient, I want to add a hospital review so that I can share my experience with other patients.
  • As a user, I want to see the most recent reviews for a doctor so that I can see how people feel about the medical professional.
  • As a user, I want to see the correct average rating and the most recent review on the doctor/hospital card so that I can get a summary without having to look inside.
  • As a user, I want to see a summary of reviews on the home page so that I get an idea of whats going around me in the health space.

User Personas:


  • In our medical website, users are individuals seeking healthcare information and services. Users can create an account on our platform and manage their personal health information securely. Additionally, users can search for healthcare facilities and providers based on their specific needs and preferences, accessing detailed information such as location, specialties, patient reviews, and more.
  • Users can also schedule appointments, rate healthcare providers, leave reviews, and upload relevant medical documents after receiving care.The platform employs a user-friendly chatbot to answer queries, assist with bookings, and guide users through the process of finding the right healthcare resources.facilitates virtual consultations with healthcare professionals, ensuring users can chat with their doctors online from the comfort of their homes.


  • Medical doctors can claim their professional profiles on our platform. By registering for a professional account, doctors gain the ability to offer users comprehensive information about their practice, including a detailed description, location and information regarding accessibility accommodations for patients with specific needs.
  • Our program also provides doctors with a platform to engage with patients. ensuring doctors can chat with their patients online from the comfort of their homes. The platform offers filtering options based on specific medical needs, and users can access past chat histories for continuity of care.This interactive feature allows doctors to enhance their patient-provider communication and improve the overall patient experience.


  • The administrator of the hospital can enlist doctors to their hospital / medical center. Just like any other user, they can create and manage their account using the website functionalities.
  • Hospital admins can also react to user reviews and help in maintaining a supportive community.
  • These users can view all the booking any user has scheduled for the future. In case the administrator feels like the appointment cannot take place, then they can reschedule or cancel it.


  • The admin of the medical website is a type of super user who can control most data in the website.
  • They have the responsibility to add or delete hospitals. If a hospital admin registers on the website, then they need to be associated with one of the existing medical centers only.
  • The admin will be patient-centered care and ensure that the platform maintains a supportive and respectful environment for users. They will be able to create new admin accounts to give administrative access to other users as well.