This package is aim to make using Computer Vision simple as possible. FaceAI use 2 main features.
- Creating a Vision Operations Pipe.
- Creating a Stack Operation over desired photos.
- iOS 13.0+
- Swift 5.1+
- Xcode 12.0+
dependencies: [
url: "",
import FaceAI
Firstly, FaceAI provides useful initializers to create asset fetching options using AssetFetchingOptions
// Create default fetch options
let options = AssetFetchingOptions()
We can custom AssetFetchingOptions
with 3 properties:
- sortDescriptors: Ascending\Descending.
- assetCollection: Photos source.
- fetchLimit: Limit the amount of photos we are fetching.
let options = AssetFetchingOptions(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]?,
assetCollection: AssetCollection,
fetchLimit: Int)
public enum AssetCollection {
case allAssets
case albumName(_ name: String)
case assetCollection(_ collection: PHAssetCollection)
case identifiers(_ ids: [String])
Next we need to create detection request with VFilter
// Create image processing request
let faceRectangle = VFilter.faceRectangle()
Call FaceAI detecotor with the filter request and fetch options.
FaceAI.detect(faceRectangle, with: options) { (result) in
switch result {
// The result type is ProcessedAsset
// Containt all photos with face recatangle detection
// photos[0].boundingBoxes
case .success(let photos):
case .failure(let error):
// Creating Face rectangle dection
let faceRectangle = VFilter.faceRectangle()
// Creation Object Dection.
// Sky, flower, water etc.
let objectDetecting = VFilter.objectDetecting()
// Combine to pipe processing
// Every image will go through the pipe.
let pipeProcessing = faceRectangle |>> objectDetecting
FaceAI.detect(pipeProcessing, with: options) { (result) in
switch result {
// The result type is ProcessedAsset
// Containt all photos with face recatangle detection
// photos[0].boundingBoxes
// photos[0].tags
case .success(let photos):
case .failure(let error):
// Create photo fetech options
let options = AssetFetchingOptions()
// Create cluster options
let clusterOptions = ClusterOptions()
FaceAI.cluster(fetchOptions: options,
culsterOptions: clusterOptions) { (result) in
// Result contian group faces
// [Int: [Face]]
// Key = group id
// Value = Same people faces
switch result {
case .success(let faces):
case .failure(_):
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