ADKTools provides a set of Windows scripts to help manage the Windows Automated Deployment Kits (ADKs), Windows Imaging Format (WIM) images and Windows Preinstallation Environments (WinPE).
The project's specific goals are to:
- Dramtically simplify installing any recent version of Windows (7+) on any hardware (BIOS/UEFI).
- Stage AriaDeploy.
- Simply the management of WIM images and typical deployment tasks.
The development emphasis is on zero-configuration "just works" software.
- Automatically install AIK 7, ADK 81 U and ADK 10
- Automatically generate WinPE.wim and WinPE.ISO images (3.1,5.1,10)
- Supports WinPE.wim -> WinPE.iso conversion
- Supports WIM <-> ESD conversion
- Create WinPE images that support booting via: CD/USB/HD or PXE
- Image systems from local media WIMs or over the network transparently
- Automatically update the following WinPE aspects:
- Drivers (Dell, HP, Lenovo*)
- Packages (add WMI support)
- Tools (DISM/BCDboot)
- Scripts
- The included PE scripts transparently:
- Map network drives (requires a configured FTP server)
- Stage AriaDeploy
- Stage AutoImage (Automatically detect and install WIM/ESD images)
- Provide a CLI frontend for DISM to help capture/deploy WIM images manually
- Note: GImageX is also included as a gooey front-end.
- Creates a WinPE workspace to easily make changes to WIM images.
*Lenovo drivers can be installed automatically but must be downloaded/extracted manually.
- The "How do I Clean Install?" problem solved. Forever.
- Use predefined images on computers that need fixing OEM style.
- Recovery tools (can) include DaRT+WindowsRE and a boot menu at startup.
- Run arbitary windows software in a temporary (WinPE) environment.
- Use alternative imaging software such as: Ghost, Acronis (maybe) and murphy78's diskpart script.
- Create a WIM backup of the current OS (image.bat or GImageX) for either restoration or deployment.
- Can be used with "hard disk swap" or "hardware transfer" scenarios.
- Quickly regenerate WinPE images when minor changes need to be made.
- Configure WinPE.wim multiboot scenarios on either a portable USB drive or on target systems
- This allows booting WinRE or DaRT for recovery purposes OEM style.
- Saves time when installing arbitary Windows versions
- Upgrade to Win 7 or downgrade to Win 10 at leasure.
- Compare arbitary Windows versions (such as Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB vs RTM Home).
- Especially useful when compiling version/architecture specific software (Hint: Use VMs.)
- Compress WIM images into Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) formated files and deploy Microsoft's ESD images directly.
- Stage AriaDeploy.
Latest Version: 0.1.0-beta
In Development: 0.1.1-beta
Click here or on "releases" at the top to download the latest version.
- Obtain a 32GB (minimum) or 64GB (recommended) flash drive Ebay Search
- In a VM, download ADKTools from here and extract.
- Check to make sure the VM will not sleep when idle (control panel->power options->change plan settings)
- Start an administrative cmd prompt (or disable UAC) and navigate to ADKTools\
- Run installADK.bat to install at least one of the ADKs (AIK != ADK). All 3 (AIK + ADKs x2) are preferred.
- Wait to install AIK manually (next->next->next)
- Run createWinPE.bat to generate updated WinPE.wim and WinPE.iso files (This will take a while.)
- Note: Windows Deployment Services can PXE boot WinPE.wim files (WDS 2012+ supports both BIOS/UEFI)
- If not using WDS or USB: It is possible to burn these ISO files to optical media.
- Use a Deployment Prompt and run "convertwim toiso" or "massupdate export" to regenerate ISO files.
- Obtain installer.wim files (or ISOs) for the versions/architectures/editions of windows to install. MS links:
- Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Note: With ISOs, look for sources\install.wim, (not boot.wim). Extract out and rename them appropriately.
- "dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:c:\install.wim" to check the included editions
- Copy any WIM images (install.wim\win7x64.wim) to ADKTools\WININSTALLER\sources
- Download Rufus and insert USB drive from step #1
- Launch Rufus, Alt+E (important), and then make a USB drive bootable with the following settings:
- After formating completes, copy WININSTALLER\ contents to flash drive.
- Safely eject the USB drive.
- Boot the target system from USB drive. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for this.
- Follow the onscreen menus provided by autoImage.bat
- Install and configure an FTP server such as FileZilla
- create a text file named "credentialsForNetworkDrive.txt" with the following contents:
clientDriveLetter=Y sharePath=myshare$ serverAddress=2008R2mdt username=limitedUser password=mypassword ::(optional) this path is relative to the share path deployClientPathAndExe=AriaDeploy\client\AriaDeployClient.bat
- place "credentialsForNetworkDrive.txt" in the FTP home directory
- modify "winPEWorkspace\Updates\peRuntime\scripts\mapNetworkDrive.bat" to include the serveraddress (IP or NetBIOS name), and the FTP credentials (user name/password)
- Update the WinPE runtime scripts
- share a folder with an images\ directory as myshare$
Example Path: C:\Users\User\Desktop\winPEWorkspace\Images\Win7\Win7Sp1_x64_RTM.wim
net share myshare$=C:\Users\User\Desktop\winPEWorkspace /grant:limitedAccount,READ
- Allow ICMP echo requests through the local firewall
- Disable FTP server when not in use to limit exposure.
- Make any changes winPEWorkspace\Updates\peRuntime\scripts
- open a Deployment Tools Environment
massupdate scripts 5 x64
massupdate export 5 x64
massupdate scripts all
massupdate export all
- Open a Deployment Tools Environment
massupdate reset 3 x86
massupdate export 3 x86
massupdate reset all
massupdate export all
Note: Drivers from winPEWorkspace\Updates\drivers\3_x\x86 will be installed automatically. To not install drivers, delete them from this folder.
Place the following files in "WININSTALLER\sources\Win7\winPETools":
DaRT7_x86.wim, DaRT7_x64.wim
WinRE31_x86.wim, WinRE31_x64.wim
WinPE31_x86.wim, WinPE31_x64.wim
Place the following files in "WININSTALLER\sources\Win81\winPETools":
DaRT81_x86.wim, DaRT81_x64.wim
WinRE51_x86.wim, WinRE51_x64.wim
WinPE51_x86.wim, WinPE51_x64.wim
Place the following files in "WININSTALLER\sources\Win10\winPETools":
DaRT10_x86.wim, DaRT10_x64.wim
WinRE10_x86.wim, WinRE10_x64.wim
WinPE10_x86.wim, WinPE10_x64.wim
- To reduce the user prompt duration: "bcdedit /timeout 3"
- On Win 8-10, the legacy boot menu is also recommended: "bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy"
- For more information on Microsoft's Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset: (DaRT)
- For additional information on Windows Recovery Enviornment: (WinRE)
- Note: This aspect of ADKTools is under active development.
- Background: There are two boot configuration database (BCD) stores used when booting, one for BIOS style booting and one for UEFI booting.
- They should be configured the same so modifying both of these BCD stores with be necessary.
- These BCD stores are located at:
- More background: Vista and 7 boot stores and tools are considered legacy and should not be used. bcdedit.exe from these versions of Windows can damage a Windows 8+ bcdstore. An updated version of bcdedit.exe can be found natively installed in Windows 8 or above and is installed with the ADKs. ADKTools v0.1.0 does not use the version installed by the ADKs but this will be updated later.
- bcdAddPE.bat is a CLI frontend to bcdedit.exe and is included in ADKTools at ADKTools\resources\scripts\wimMgmt\resources\bcdAddPE.bat.
- bcdAddPE.bat can be used to
- modify the main menu of a bcdstore for USB/ISO booting (addPE)
- modify the main menu of a bcdstore for WinPE.wim booting at system boot (requres boot.sdi)
- modify the tools menu of a bcdstore for WinPE.wim booting at system boot (requres boot.sdi)
- Note: modifying the tools menu of a bcdstore for USB/ISO booting is not currently supported
bcdAddPE /addPE [boot.wim] [bcdstorepath] {description}
bcdAddPE /addPE \sources\WinPEv3_x64.wim c:\boot\bcd
bcdAddPE /addPE \sources\PEv5x64.wim d:\iso\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd WinPEv5x64
bcdAddPE /addPE \sources\WinPEv5x86.wim c:\iso\boot\bcd "Win PEv5 x86"
Using bcdAddPE to Add Additional Boot Entries Step-by-Step Guide:
With an existing ADKTools install on Win 8 or above:
Copy DaRT.wim and the related WinPE.wim images to the directories specified in the ADKTools documentation under "For a system boot menu with DaRT/WinRE […]."
Using a CLI, navigate to ADKTools\resources\scripts\wimMgmt\resources
set BIOSstore=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ADKTools\WININSTALLER\Boot\BCD
set UEFIstore=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ADKTools\WININSTALLER\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD Note: Adjust your paths accordingly.
To add a single entry:
bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win81\winPETools\DaRT81_x86.wim "%BIOSstore%" bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win81\winPETools\DaRT81_x86.wim "%UEFIstore%"
To add both x86 and x64 versions:
bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win7\winPETools\DaRT7_x86.wim "%BIOSstore%" bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win7\winPETools\DaRT7_x86.wim "%UEFIstore%" bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win7\winPETools\DaRT7_x64.wim "%BIOSstore%" bcdAddPE.bat /addPE \sources\Win7\winPETools\DaRT7_x64.wim "%UEFIstore%"
With no existing ADKTools install or one on Win 7 or below:
- Start a Windows 8+ VM
- download/copy and extract to that VM
- Extract ADKTools\resources\archives\WININSTALLER.7z to ADKTools
- Go to step 1 of section "With an existing ADKTools install on Win 8 or above:" and return here after step 6.
- These “updated” boot configuration database stores can be transfered from the Win8+ VM to ADKTools\WININSTALLER on Win7 or below.
- To “undo” the above commands, replace the bcdstores with the “original” ones found in
copy: ADKTools\resources\archives\WININSTALLER.7z\WININSTALLER\boot\BCD
copy: ADKTools\resources\archives\WININSTALLER.7z\WININSTALLER\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD
to: ADKTools\WININSTALLER\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD
- Unattend.xml files are used to automate the OOBE and are Windows Version (7-10) Architecture (x86/x64/ia64) and Edition (Home/Pro/Ent) specific.
- Templates for them, without product keys, can be found at ADKTools\resources\archives\
- Enter the key purchased from Microsoft in the appropriate xml file and place at scripts\peRuntime\scripts\unattendxml
- If your organization's deployment strategy updates windows licenses post deployment (via slmgr or KMS) then these keys are available for use to automate OOBE: KMS Client Setup Keys
- This is "beta" quality-level software. Some of the scripts could use "touch ups," additional testing and better documentation. (Use "script.bat /?" for now.)
- For USB multiboot scenarios, the windows binaries for booting purposes (bootmgr/bootmgr.efi) are version specific (although 8-10 should be cross compatible) and need to be swapped (from sources\WinPEBootFiles\bootmanager) when booting Windows 7 (e.g. WinPE3+ derivatives) and vice versa.- When setting up a complicated partition layout (more than the default wipe/reload on disk 0 with an RE tools partition), refer to the documentation on diskpart and use "image.bat" with the "/noformat" switch. image /? for additional information.
- The automatic driver detection and installation functionality using WMI currently present in AriaDeploy has not been integrated into ADKTools yet (e.g. copied to addDrivers.bat).
- Until then, they can be manually installed via the DISM tool. Type "help" in the WinPE enviornment or "dism /online /add-driver /?" for the exact syntax.
- MUI versions of WinPE and the other ADKTools aspects are not currently supported .
- ADKTools is not developed, tested against or designed to work with UAC enabled.
- WinPEx64 versions have Miku Mode enabled by default. To disable Miku Mode:
- Open .\ADKTools\resources\scripts\wimMgmt\update.bat
- set MikuModeEnabled=false
- Reset the images: "massupdate reset"
- If downloading from github manually instead of using an official (not recommended) remember to change the line ending format from Unix back to Windows using Notepad++.
- Remember that when not using a Compatability Support Module (CSM), the native UEFI architecture must match the running OS version. This applies both to the PE and installed OS.
- If a hardware manufacturer implements UEFI in a weird way (most do), then bcdboot cannot add the boot entry reliably.
- Hardware manufacturer X did not make drivers for Windows Version Y for Model Z.
- For single deployments of non-RTM images, the only important driver to install after the imaging process (but before booting) is the storage driver (SATA/AHCI/RAID). The rest can be installed after Windows Setup completes.
- Requires Microsoft Windows 7 or newer (64-bit only).
- The ADKs require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5+ (already included in Win 8+)
- Requires Administrative access.
- 30GB+ HD space (The ADKs take like 17GB alone.)
- ~2 hours to download + install.
- I am not responsible for you deleting your data, messing up your flashdrive, OS install, activation or anything ever period.
- I make no claim that said software is "fit" to perform any particular purpose and provide no warranty or assurance of quality any kind. Neither is implied nor given.
- For additional information, pick your License: GPL (any) or BSD (any) or MIT/Apache (any)