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gdr edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

First time here

We recommend you to first visit Getting Started, before getting deeper into the logic.

Notify Instance Client

Notification of GAdmin.

OnInteract meta

Arguments: Function: function().
Sets function that will be triggered when noticiation being pressed on.

Highlight meta

Arguments: State: boolean.
Highlights text of the notification.

DisconnectAll meta

Arguments: None.
Disconnects all of the connections.

Exit meta

Arguments: None.
Moves outside of the screen and then getting removed.

Remove meta

Arguments: None.
Removes notification without animation.

Window Instance Client

Window on the screen.

WindowFunctions table

Table of functions, that is given to every WindowData function as a first argument. Example: OnClicked function.

Frame - Frame of the window.
Remove() - Removes window.
GetState() - Returns current state of the button.
ChangeState(Boolean) - Changes state of the button.
NextMovement(Keys, Speed, DeltaTime) - Returns CFrame. Not recommended to use.

WindowData table

Table of settings, given to Window.

Size: "Small" | "Normal" | "Big" | "Giant" - Size of the window.
ButtonOn: string - Default text of the button when it is enabled.
ButtonOff: string - Default text of the button when it is disabled.
OnRemove: (Data: WindowFunctions) - Called whenever window is getting removed.
OnClicked: (Data: WindowFunctions, State: boolean) - Called whenever button is clicked.
Inputs - Array list InputData.
UserInputService - Array list of functions, that is called whenever user input is received. (Function arguments: (Data: WindowFunctions, Began: boolean, InputKey: KeyCode, InputType: UserInputType))

InputData table Dictionary

Creates TextBox for the Window.

DefaultInput: string - Default text, written in the textbox.
Name: string - Title of the textbox.
OnChange: (Data: WindowFunctions, Input: string) - Function, that is called whenever user leaves from textbox.

Input Window Instance Client

Just like Window Instance, but can only have one textbox.

WindowFunctions table

Table of functions, that is given to every WindowData function as a first argument. Example: OnClicked function.

Frame - Frame of the window.
Remove() - Removes window.
NextMovement(Keys, Speed, DeltaTime) - Returns CFrame. Not recommended to use.

InputWindowData table

Table of settings, given to Input Window.

Size: "Normal" | "Big" - Size of the window.
Input: table - InputData.
OnClicked: (Data: WindowFunctions, State: boolean) - Called whenever button is clicked.
OnRemove: (Data: WindowFunctions) - Called whenever window is getting removed.

InputData table Dictionary

DefaultInput: string - Default text, written in the textbox.
OnChange: (Data: WindowFunctions, Input: string) - Function, that is called whenever user leaves from textbox.

TopBar Reference Client

Reference to the GAdmin's TopBar.

See methods here