# # # # # # # #
# # O O O # # #
# # O O O # # #
O O O O O O O #
O O O - O O O #
O O O O O O O #
# # O O O # # #
# # O O O # # #
Each checkerboard is a 64-bit word where 'O' is 1-bit, '-' is 0-bit and '#' means space not available. With bitwise operators (AND , OR, etc) you can move the pieces.
We need of two checkerboards, the first one to set the pieces, the second to specify the terrain.
The checkerboard up has these bits 00000000_00111000_00111000_11111110_11101110_11111110_00111000_00111000 and his exadecimal notation is 0x3838FEEEFE3838, the terrain is 00111000_00111000_11111110_11111110_11111110_00111000_00111000 (0x3838FEFEFE3838).
You can use the Bitmap Calculator (https://gekomad.github.io/Cinnamon/BitboardCalculator) to manipulate the bit mask.
To speed up the backtracking process, an Hash Table of 64-bit words is used.
cd c
gcc -O3 main.c -o checkers
cd cpp
g++ -O3 main.cpp -pthread -o checkers
./checkers [n_thread]
cd rust
cargo run --release
cd vala
valac ChineseCheckers.vala --Xcc=-O3 -o checkers
cd scala
sbt run
cd scala
mv build.sbt build.sbt.3 && mv build.sbt.native build.sbt
sbt clean nativeLink
cd java
javac Main.java
java Main