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Fix module names that are not valid identifiers (#1226) #3273

Fix module names that are not valid identifiers (#1226)

Fix module names that are not valid identifiers (#1226) #3273

Workflow file for this run

name: tests
- master
- ci
# Skip tests when doing a release to avoid the workflow race
# when the release PR gets merged by the bot.
if: needs.prep.outputs.version == 0
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' }}
node-version: ["18", "20", "22", "23"]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
gel-version: ["stable"]
# Nightly server
- os: ubuntu-latest
node-version: "22"
gel-version: "nightly"
# LTS server
- os: ubuntu-latest
node-version: "22"
gel-version: "4"
- os: ubuntu-latest
node-version: "22"
gel-version: "5"
# macOS
# - os: macos-latest
# node-version: "22"
# gel-version: "stable"
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 50
submodules: true
- name: Set up Node ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- name: Install Turbo globally
run: |
yarn global add turbo
- name: Install dev deps
run: |
yarn --frozen-lockfile
- name: Lint
run: |
yarn lint
- name: Check format
run: |
yarn format
- name: Install Gel
uses: geldata/setup-gel@6763b6de72782d9c2e5ecc1095986a1c707da68f
instance-name: test
server-version: ${{ matrix.gel-version }}
cli-version: ${{ matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' && 'nightly' || 'stable' }}
# should be updated to use gel cli
- name: Show actual Gel server version
run: |
echo ACTIVE_GEL_VERSION=$(edgedb query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()' -I test) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# should be updated to use gel cli
- name: Install postgis extension
if: ${{ matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' || matrix.gel-versoin == '6.0-rc.2' }}
run: |
edgedb extension install postgis -I test --slot 6-alpha-3
- name: Run package tests
run: |
yarn ci:test
- name: Run query builder integration tests lts
if: ${{ matrix.gel-version == '4' || matrix.gel-version == '5' || matrix.gel-version == 'stable' || matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' }}
run: |
turbo run ci:integration-test --filter=@gel/integration-lts
turbo run bench:types --filter=@gel/integration-lts || echo "Benchmark types script failed, proceeding anyway."
- name: Run query builder integration tests stable
if: ${{ matrix.gel-version == 'stable' || matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' }}
run: |
turbo run ci:integration-test --filter=@gel/integration-stable
- name: Run query builder integration tests nightly
if: ${{ matrix.gel-version == 'nightly' }}
run: |
turbo run ci:integration-test --filter=@gel/integration-nightly
- name: Typecheck other packages
run: |
yarn ci:typecheck
# This job exists solely to act as the test job aggregate to be
# targeted by branch policies.
name: "Regression Tests"
needs: [test]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo OK
name: "Test CLI Wrapper"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 1
- name: Set up Node 20
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
- name: Install dev deps
run: |
yarn --frozen-lockfile
- name: Build and pack CLI wrapper
run: |
yarn workspace gel run build
yarn workspace gel pack --filename=${{ github.workspace }}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
- name: Test CLI wrapper with npm
run: |
mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-npm
cd ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-npm
npm init -y
npm install ${{ github.workspace }}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
npm exec gel -- project init --non-interactive
npm exec gel -- --version
npm exec gel -- query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()'
if gel --version; then
echo "Error: gel command should not be available outside of npm exec"
exit 1
echo "gel command is not available outside of npm exec, as expected"
- name: Test CLI wrapper with yarn
run: |
mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-yarn
cd ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-yarn
yarn init -y
yarn add ${{ github.workspace}}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
yarn gel project init --non-interactive
yarn gel --version
yarn gel query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()'
if gel --version; then
echo "Error: gel command should not be available outside of yarn"
exit 1
echo "gel command is not available outside of yarn, as expected"
- uses: threeal/setup-yarn-action@ec8c075e62bc497968de40011c2b766f5e8f1ac5
version: latest
cache: false
- name: Test CLI wrapper with yarn-berry
run: |
mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-yarn-berry
cd ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-yarn-berry
yarn set version berry
yarn init -y
touch yarn.lock
yarn add ${{ github.workspace }}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
yarn gel project init --non-interactive
yarn gel --version
yarn gel query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()'
if gel --version; then
echo "Error: gel command should not be available outside of yarn"
exit 1
echo "gel command is not available outside of yarn, as expected"
- uses: pnpm/action-setup@a3252b78c470c02df07e9d59298aecedc3ccdd6d
version: latest
run_install: false
- name: Test CLI wrapper with pnpm
run: |
mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/temp-pnpm
cd ${{ runner.temp}}/temp-pnpm
pnpm init
pnpm add ${{ github.workspace }}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
pnpm exec gel project init --non-interactive
pnpm exec gel --version
pnpm exec gel query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()'
if gel --version; then
echo "Error: gel command should not be available outside of pnpm"
exit 1
echo "gel command is not available outside of pnpm, as expected"
- uses: oven-sh/setup-bun@8f24390df009a496891208e5e36b8a1de1f45135
- name: Test CLI wrapper with bun
run: |
mkdir temp-bun
cd temp-bun
bun init
bun add ${{ github.workspace }}/edgedb-cli.tar.gz
bun gel project init --non-interactive
bun gel --version
bun gel query 'select sys::get_version_as_str()'
if gel --version; then
echo "Error: gel command should not be available outside of bun"
exit 1
echo "gel command is not available outside of bun, as expected"