- Truffle v5.1.54
- node v11.15.0
- npm v6.7.0
- truffle-hdwallet-provider
- web3 v6.7.0
A minimal frontend is provide in order to mint the nft. DAHOUSE
After git clone the repo
Go inside the directroy project and execute the command
$npm instsall
do it inside the src folder also
then to test
Go in the eth-contracts folder
$cd eth-contracts
then execute the command below (don't forget to start ganach)
$truffle compile
$truffle test
contract Verifier : etherscan verifier record contract trx
contract SolnSquareVerifier : etherscan SolnSquareVerifier record contract trx
Can be check on etherscan rinkeby.etherscan
Getting the tokenURI of the nft minted to verify all's working
Storefront opensea_dahouse_storefront
Transaction done 5 house putted in sales and bought by 2 others accounts
screen of one transaction bought as exemple
account bought 3 nft
account bought 2 nft