Self-contained multiplatform samples to help understanding: ReactiveX, ReactiveUI, Avalonia UI. Featuring links to original reference material for each fresh chunk of code, e.g.
.FromEventPattern(wndMain, nameof(wndMain.Closing))
.Subscribe(_ => Console.WriteLine("Main window closing..."))
Uses a finite observable stream of timer ticks. At each tick a new greeting is displayed. The sample can be a template for ReactiveUI + Avalonia applications.
Topics: View, ViewModel, (de)activation, timer, reactive property, type-safe bindings, WhenAnyValue, observable timer, UI thread and schedulers, window event.
Shows how to use async/await in a ReactiveUI context. It calls a dummy (but real) RESTful API.
Topics: command binding, ReactiveUI.Fody, Rx event pattern, WhenAnyObservable, async/await, timeout, json, Flurl.