This package was inspired by the vs-code pest-snippets package
Use Sublime Text's Package Control to install this package.
Pest PHP Sublime Text Sublime Snippets is a compilation of code snippets for writing tests with Pest PHP v2.
Code snippets are templates for the codes you use most often.
Using snippets allows you to write code faster, boosting your productivity, and preventing mistakes.
⭐ Please consider starring the GitHub repository if you find this package useful.
Just type :p
to get a list of all code snippets.
Additionally, you can type:
to access alltest()
snippets. -
to access allit()
snippets. -
to access the availableexpect()
Pest provides two functions for writing tests: test()
and it()
Type :pte
+ [TAB] to use the test()
test("", function () {
Type :pit
+ [TAB] to the ìt()
it("", function () {
Type :ptes
/ :pits
to create a test with skip()
test("", function () {
Type :petodo
/ :pitodo
+ [TAB] to create a test with todo()
test("", function () {
WIP stands for "Work In Progress".
Type :ptewip
/ :pitwip
to create a test with skip('wip')
test("", function () {
Type :pteg
/ :pitg
+ [TAB] to create a test with group()
test("", function () {
Type :pted
/ :pitd
+ [TAB] to create a test with with()
test("", function () {
Type :pteld
/ :pitld
+ [TAB] to create a test with with()
using Lazy datasets:
test("", function () {
})->with(function () {
yield "";
Type :ptet
/ :pitt
+ [TAB] to create a test with throws()
test("throws exception", function () {
Type :ptetif
/ :pittif
+ [TAB] to create a test with throwsIf()
test("throws exception if...", function () {
Type :penoex
/ :pitnoex
+ [TAB] to create a test with throwsNoExceptions()
test("throws no exceptions", function () {
Type :pbe
+ [TAB] to create a beforeEach()
beforeEach(function () {
Type :pae
+ [TAB] to create a afterEach()
afterEach(function () {
Type :pba
+ [TAB] to create a beforeAll()
beforeAll(function () {
Type :paa
+ [TAB] to create a afterAll()
afterAll(function () {
Type :pex
+ [TAB] to create a expect()
Then, type :pex
and use your keyboard to move through all the different expectation
For example, type: pex
+ [TAB] and then :pextobe
+ [TAB] results in:
Available expect()
Trigger | Snippet |
: pex |
expect()-> |
: pextobe |
->toBe() |
: pextobearray |
->toBeArray() |
: pextobeempty |
->toBeEmpty() |
: pextobetrue |
->toBeTrue() |
: pextobetruthy |
->toBeTruthy() |
: pextobefalse |
->toBeFalse() |
: pextobefalsy |
->toBeFalsy() |
: pextobegreaterthan |
->toBeGreaterThan() |
: pextobegreaterthanorequal |
->toBeGreaterThanOrEqual() |
: pextobelessthan |
->toBeLessThan() |
: pextobelessthanorequal |
->toBeLessThanOrEqual() |
: pextocontain |
->toContain() |
: pextocontainonlyins |
->toContainOnlyInstancesOf() |
: pextohavecount |
->toHaveCount() |
: pextohavemethod |
->toHaveMethod() |
: pextohavemethods |
->toHaveMethods() |
: pextohaveproperty |
->toHaveProperty() |
: pextohaveproperties |
->toHaveProperties() |
: pextomatcharray |
->toMatchArray() |
: pextomatchobject |
->toMatchObject() |
: pextoequal |
->toEqual() |
: pextoequalcanonicalizing |
->toEqualCanonicalizing() |
: pextoequalwithdelta |
->toEqualWithDelta() |
: pextobein |
->toBeIn() |
: pextobeinfinite |
->toBeInfinite() |
: pextobeinstanceof |
->toBeInstanceOf() |
: pextobebool |
->toBeBool() |
: pextobecallable |
->toBeCallable() |
: pextobefloat |
->toBeFloat() |
: pextobeint |
->toBeInt() |
: pextobeiterable |
->toBeIterable() |
: pextobenumeric |
->toBeNumeric() |
: pextobeobject |
->toBeObject() |
: pextoberesource |
->toBeResource() |
: pextobescalar |
->toBeScalar() |
: pextobestring |
->toBeString() |
: pextobejson |
->toBeJson() |
: pextobenan |
->toBeNan() |
: pextobenull |
->toBeNull() |
: pextohavekey |
->toHaveKey() |
: pextohavekeys |
->toHaveKeys() |
: pextohavelength |
->toHaveLength() |
: pextobefile |
->toBeFile() |
: pextobedirectory |
->toBeDirectory() |
: pextobereadabledirectory |
->toBeReadableDirectory() |
: pextobereadablefile |
->toBeReadableFile() |
: pextobewritabledirectory |
->toBeWritableDirectory() |
: pextobewritablefile |
->toBeWritableFile() |
: pextostartwith |
->toStartWith() |
: pextothrow |
->toThrow() |
: pextoendwith |
->toEndWith() |
: pextomatch |
->toMatch() |
: pextomatchconstraint |
->toMatchConstraint() |
: pexdd |
->dd() |
: pexray |
->ray() |
: pexjson |
->json()-> |
: pexand |
->and()-> |
: pexnot |
->not()-> |
: pexdef |
->defer()-> |
: pexeach |
->each()-> |
: pexsequence |
->sequence() |
: pexwhen |
->when() |
: pexunless |
->unless() |
: pexunless |
->unless() |