This repository contains the source code and dependencies required to deploy a Solidity based VAULT smart contract that securely holds ETH whilst lending STABLE TOKEN to users on Ethereum network.
This project implements a Vault that allows a user to borrow a stable token (pegged to USD) by depositing ether into the Vault as collateral.
The amount of tokens that can be borrowed is derived from the ETH/USD price provided by an on-chain oracle.
The user is allowed to withdraw the collateral after repaying the borrowed tokens.
The amount of collateral available to withdraw depends on the current ETH/USD price provided by the Oracle.
The diagram below shows a high level overview with the main components and its interactions
The smart contracts in the project are:
- implements the business logic of the Vault
- exposes 5 main functions
deposit(uint256 amountToDeposit) // Allows a user to deposit ETH collateral in exchange for some amount of stablecoin
withdraw(uint256 repaymentAmount) // Allows a user to withdraw up to 100% of the collateral they have on deposit
getVault(address userAddress) //Returns the details of a vault
estimateCollateralAmount(uint256 repaymentAmount) // Returns an estimate of how much collateral could be withdrawn for a given amount of stablecoin
estimateTokenAmount(uint256 depositAmount) // Returns an estimate on how much stable coin could be minted at the current rate
- ERC20 standard token
- implemens
- On chain oracle
- Leverages on chainlink price feed
Truffle and Ganache are required to deploy and test this project. They can be installed by running:
$ npm install -g truffle
$ npm install -g ganache-cli
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
$ npm install
This project includes a test suite based in Truffle/Mocha.
Tests can be run on local Ganache or on Kovan.
To run test in Ganache environment, a Ganache instance must be running on port 7545
You can start Ganache by executing the following:
$ ganache-cli -p 7545
To execute test suite, on a different terminal run:
truffle test --network development
The following is required to run test cases in Kovan network
infura account
API project KEY from enabled on KOVAN endpoint
Kovan ether funds available
At least 2 funded accounts are needed to run the tests in Kovan network.
Ether funds in Kovan can be requested via Kovan faucet:
fileTruffle reads the kovan accounts and infura API KEY from a plain text
file located in root folder.The
file should defineMNEMONIC
as environment variables:
MNEMONIC="<your mnemonic seed phrase that derives Kovan addresses with funds>"
INFURA_APIKEY="<your valid infura API key>"
To execute test suite run:
export TEST_NETWORK="kovan"
truffle test --network kovan
The following is the expected test result:
❯ export TEST_NETWORK="kovan"
❯ truffle test --network kovan
Using network 'kovan'.
Compiling your contracts...
✔ Fetching solc version list from solc-bin. Attempt #1
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Contract: Vault
Use Case 1: user deposits ether and receives stablecoin
✓ should update user Vault collateral with sent Ether (1142ms)
✓ should fire a 'Deposit' event
✓ should update user token balance (1244ms)
✓ should update user Vault debt (1289ms)
✓ should provide a estimated token amount with accuracy > 90% (1237ms)
Use Case 2: user repays ALL tokens and withdraws ether
✓ should fire a 'Withdraw' event
✓ user token balance should be zero
✓ user vault debt should be zero (999ms)
✓ should provide a estimated repayment amount with accuracy > 90% (1143ms)
9 passing (1m)
These contracts have been deployed in Kovan at the following addreses:
- Add collateralization ratio
- Implement liquidation
- Use safemath
- Improve test suite coverage
- Gas optimization
- Improve
Credit for original repo goes to