#Ludum Dare 22 Plans
##Ideas The theme is "Alone"
- A 3D RTS (this was the initial plan, but unsure how to theme this to "Alone"
- FPS, set on the desk where the paper hero's comrades are gone(or dead) and he has to survive against the papercraft machines who are still operating
- Paper base defence sim
- "Town Construction" game, where you're the last remaining person in your town and you have to make your town more appealing, to persuade your friends to come back (probably something similar to Animal Crossing?)
###Using these frameworks/apis:
###Using these resources:
####Obj Viewer We have an obj file loader/viewer in the resources folder. You call it with
python objviewer.py FILENAMEHERE.obj
The viewer will accept mtl files for texturing but make sure they have the texture address set relationally, and not absolute.
####Map Designer We also have a map maker, it's stupid however and will only assign values between -1.0 and 1.0 (this will be changed)
Call it with
python mapmaker.py WIDTH HEIGHT
Where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the dimensions you wish the map to take. Design your map by left clicking to sink a tile and right clicking to raise one. When you're done, hit the space key to output the map JSON into terminal
This map content can then inserted into the map file