Hey, let's make this repo all much rich as possible by contributing more endpoints. Follow the contribution guidelines, make open source contributions and make your github profile to standout. Check the Postman collection attached in this repo, this would help you to test API endpoints.
- API for listing all Cites
- Create new City
- View City details
- List all City properties
- Update City
- Delete a City
- API for listing all properties
- Create new property
- View property details
- Update property
- Delete a property
Users can signup to this application using email and password. User model should have the following attributes: email (type: string), password (type: string), mobile. Tip: Can use Passport and JWT for user authentication module
- API for user signup
- API for user signin
- API for user signout
- API to get user details
- API to add property to User's shortlist/wishlist.
- Make sure you understand the requirement well.
- Fork this repository to your github account.
- Do the changes and create a Pull Request.
- Remember the PR should have clean code, proper comments, proper commits with messages.
- Many others can also make PR, but the most complete one will be merged.
- You can also create PR for this Readme, if you have any relevant module in mind for this repo, to make it even more awesome!!