If you reached out here for exploring Jupyter Docker images, I recommend you to check the following repository.
2 Dockerfiles
- spark-cluster
- dev-env
This Dockerfile is currently based on jupyter/pyspark-notebook.
The following packages are installed here.
- Scala 2.11
- Apache Mahout 0.13.0
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- Opencv
- Elephas
- python API for retrieving data from Poloniex
This Docker image is mainly used to bring up a Spark cluster.
This Dockerfile is based on spark-cluster.
The following packages are installed here.
- Emacs
- Angular
- Maven
- openjdk8-jdk
This is my development environment.
docker image build -t [docker image name] .
After building the Dockerfiles as Docker images, run the following command to start a new docker container.
docker container run --name=[docker container name] -it -v [host folder]:/home/jupyter/workspace -p [host port]:8888 [docker image name]
- --name [docker container name]
- -it run container in iteractive mode using tty connection.
- -v mount a [host folder] as /home/jupyter/workspace in the container. workspace folder is the root directory of jupyter notebook.
- -p bind container port 8888 to the [host port].
or you can use dev-env/spark-notebook-start.sh to run a container instance.
Please note that spark-notebook-start.sh will start a jupyter notebook server without any authentification.
As I use personal libraries in my daily work, I mount the my libraries onto a PYTHONPATH volume in the docker container.
-v [host PYTHONPATH folder]:/opt/pythonlibs
Copy spark-cluster/docker-compose.yml to anywhere you like. Bring up a spark cluster by the following command
docker-compose up