See the Explanation included in the App.
- No Liechtenstein GDP for 2019
- une_rt_a removed age-group Total
- Swiss GDP now up to 2019 in Eurostat
- Updated Swiss Unemp. It is included in Eurostat but only some years.
- Updated Liechtenstein Unemp
- UNHCR data is low quality
- All data has been updated
- Swiss GDP Data is now included in Eurostat (ends at 2016)
- Unemp: An entirely new & official data set was found for Switzerland (up to 2016) with big differences (find it here)
- There are some problems with the UNHCR data (don't use for now)
- Update german version
- Figure out problem with UNHCR data
- Update the functions to tidyverse syntax
- Compare values to Grech paper again