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A demo project that shows a GeoTrellis streaming application example


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GeoTrellis Streaming demo

This is a project that contains a rendering raster process via GeoTrellis. The input data is a Kafka stream, the output - a set of rasters and some json metadata outputs.

The project contains two subprojects: streaming (the actual streaming application) and producer (subproject used for test purposes, that generates test kafka messages).


To run this app in any Spark mode, be sure that you have a proper installed Spark client on your machine. To rise a Kafka instance it's enough to run make kafka command (more detailed information about kafka in docker is provided in Kafka in docker section).

Be sure that all neccesary changes were introduced into the application.conf file.

Makefile commands

Makefile is provided to simplify launch and integration tests of the application.

Command Description
local-spark-demo Run a spark streaming assembly on a local Spark server
local-spark-shell Run a spark shell with included fat jar locally
build Build a fat jar to run on Spark
clean Clean up targets
kafka Run a dockerized kafka, see to know more about it
kafka-send-messages Produce demo kafka messages
sbt-spark-demo Run a spark streaming application from the SBT shell

application.conf description

Application settings provided via configuration file in the resources folder (streaming). {
  # kafka setting
  kafka {
    threads           = 10
    topic             = "geotrellis-streaming"
    otopic            = "geotrellis-streaming-output"
    application-id    = "geotrellis-streaming"
    bootstrap-servers = "localhost:9092"
  # spark streaming settings
  spark {
    batch-duration    = 10 // in seconds
    partitions        = 10
    auto-offset-reset = "latest"
    auto-commit       = true
    publish-to-kafka  = true
    group-id          = "spark-streaming-data"
    checkpoint-dir    = ""

# geotrellis gdal VLM settings
vlm {
  geotiff.s3 {
    allow-global-read: false
    region: "us-west-2"

  gdal.options {

  # if true then uses GDALRasterSources, if false GeoTiffRasterSources
  source.gdal.enabled = true

Application settings provided via configuration file in the resources folder (producer).

lc8 {
  scenes = [
      name = "LC08_L1TP_139044_20170304_20170316_01_T1" # name of the LC8 scene
      band = "1" # band number
      count = 2 # number of generated polygons
      crs = "EPSG:4326" # desired generated CRS
      output-path = "../data/img" # the output path where the result output should be placed after processing
      name = "LC08_L1TP_139045_20170304_20170316_01_T1"
      band = "2"
      count = 2
      crs = "EPSG:4326"
      output-path = "../data/img"
      name = "LC08_L1TP_139046_20170304_20170316_01_T1"
      band = "2"
      count = 2
      crs = "EPSG:4326"
      output-path = "../data/img"

Usage Example in SBT shell

  1. For instance we already have Kafka running localy on 9092 port. 1.1 If not, it is possible to launch Kafka in docker
  2. Open two projects producer and streaming in two separate terminal windows
  3. run a streaming application (project streaming, run)
  4. run a procuder application (project producer, run --generate-and-send)

To summarise:

Terminal №1:

$ make kafka

Terminal №2:

$ cd app; ./sbt
$ project streaming
$ run


$ make sbt-spark-demo

Terminal №3:

$ ./sbt
$ project producer
$ run --generate-and-send


$ make kafka-send-messages

Extra summary:

# terminal 1
make kafka
# terminal 2
make sbt-spark-demo
# terminal 3
make kafka-send-messages

Usage Example

  1. For instance we already have Kafka running localy on 9092 port. If not, it is possible to launch Kafka in docker
  2. Build a fat assembly jar: make build
  3. Launch a Spark app: make local-spark-processing
  4. Post a test kafka message: make kafka-send-messages

To summarise:

$ make build && make local-spark-processing
$ make kafka-send-messages

Kafka in Docker usage

  1. Add into the /etc/hosts file the following alias: localhost kafka (definitely a working variant of a Mac OS setup: localhost.localdomain localhost kafka )
  2. Run make kafka


A demo project that shows a GeoTrellis streaming application example








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