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geoyanzhan3 authored Sep 11, 2020
1 parent b825dd7 commit 4840456
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# The code is for calculating the Yang et al. (1988) model
# Original code is created by USGS using MATLAB
# Please cite: Modeling Crustal Deformation near Active Faults and Volcanic Centers—A Catalog of Deformation Models
# By Maurizio Battaglia, Peter F. Cervelli, and Jessica R. Murray
# modified to python by Yan Zhan, UIUC (2018)

import numpy as np
import cmath

# pi
pi = np.pi

# % compute the 3D displacement due to a pressurized ellipsoid
# %
# % IN
# % a semimajor axis [m]
# % b semiminor axis [m]
# % lambda Lame's constant [Pa]
# % mu shear modulus [Pa]
# % nu Poisson's ratio
# % P excess pressure (stress intensity on the surface) [pressure units]
# % x,y,x coordinates of the point(s) where the displacement is computed [m]
# % xs,ys,zs coordinates of the center of the prolate spheroid (positive downward) [m]
# % theta plunge angle [rad]
# % phi trend angle [rad]
# %
# % OUT
# % Ux,Uy,Uz displacement
# %
# % Note ********************************************************************
# % compute the displacement due to a pressurized ellipsoid
# % using the finite prolate spheroid model by from Yang et al (JGR,1988)
# % and corrections to the model by Newmann et al (JVGR, 2006).
# % The equations by Yang et al (1988) and Newmann et al (2006) are valid for a
# % vertical prolate spheroid only. There is and additional typo at pg 4251 in
# % Yang et al (1988), not reported in Newmann et al. (2006), that gives an error
# % when the spheroid is tilted (plunge different from 90°):
# % C0 = y0*cos(theta) + zs*sin(theta)
# % The correct equation is
# % C0 = zs/sin(theta)
# % This error has been corrected in this script.
# % *************************************************************************
# %==========================================================================
# % USGS Software Disclaimer
# % The software and related documentation were developed by the U.S.
# % Geological Survey (USGS) for use by the USGS in fulfilling its mission.
# % The software can be used, copied, modified, and distributed without any
# % fee or cost. Use of appropriate credit is requested.
# %
# % The USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the correctness
# % of the furnished software or the suitability for any purpose. The software
# % has been tested, but as with any complex software, there could be undetected
# % errors. Users who find errors are requested to report them to the USGS.
# % The USGS has limited resources to assist non-USGS users; however, we make
# % an attempt to fix reported problems and help whenever possible.
# %==========================================================================
# % testing parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# % clear all; close all; clc;
# % a = 1000; b = 0.99*a;
# % lambda = 1; mu = lambda; nu = 0.25; P = 0.01;
# % theta = pi*89.99/180; phi = 0;
# % x = linspace(0,2E4,7);
# % y = linspace(0,1E4,7);
# % xs = 0; ys = 0; zs = 5E3;
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
def yang_disp(x, y, z,
xs, ys, zs, a, b,
lamda, mu, nu, P,
theta, phi
# plunge (dip) angle [deg] [90 = vertical spheroid]
theta = theta + 1e-5
# compute the parameters for the spheroid model
a1, b1, csi, Pdila, Pstar = yangpar(a, b, lamda, mu, nu, P)

# % translate the coordinates of the points where the displacement is computed
# in the coordinates systen centered in (xs,0)
xxn = x - xs
yyn = y - ys

# rotate the coordinate system to be coherent with the model coordinate
# system of Figure 3 (Yang et al., 1988)
xxp = np.cos(phi) * xxn - np.sin(phi) * yyn
yyp = np.sin(phi) * xxn + np.cos(phi) * yyn

# compute displacement for a prolate ellipsoid at csi = c
U1p, U2p, U3p = yangint(xxp, yyp, z, zs, theta,
a1, b1, a, b, csi, mu, nu, Pdila)

# compute displacement for a prolate ellipsoid at csi = -c
U1m, U2m, U3m = yangint(xxp, yyp, z, zs, theta,
a1, b1, a, b, -csi, mu, nu, Pdila)

Upx = -U1p - U1m
Upy = -U2p - U2m
Upz = U3p + U3m
# rotate horizontal displacement back (strike)
Ux = cos(phi) * Upx + sin(phi) * Upy
Uy = -sin(phi) * Upx + cos(phi) * Upy
Uz = Upz

# Yan Zhan correct: Now b can greater than a
Ux = np.real(Ux)
Uy = np.real(Uy)
Uz = np.real(Uz)

return Ux, Uy, Uz

def yang_ddv(x, y, z, ddv,
xs, ys, zs, a, b,
lamda, mu, nu, P,
theta, phi
Ux, Uy, Uz = yang_disp(x, y, z,
xs, ys, zs, a, b,
lamda, mu, nu, P,
theta, phi

disp = Ux * ddv[0, :] + Uy * ddv[1, :] + Uz * ddv[2, :]

return disp

def yangpar(a, b, lamda, mu, nu, P):
# % compute the parameters for the spheroid model
# % formulas from [1] Yang et al (JGR,1988)
# % corrections from [2] Newmann et al (JVGR, 2006), Appendix
# %
# % IN
# % a semimajor axis [m]
# % b semiminor axis [m]
# % lambda Lame's constant [Pa]
# % mu shear modulus [Pa]
# % nu Poisson's ratio
# % P excess pressure (stress intensity on the surface) [pressure units]
# %
# % OUT
# % a1, b1 pressure (stress) [units of P] from [1]
# % c prolate ellipsoid focus [m]
# % Pdila pressure (proportional to double couple forces) [units of P] from [1]
# % Pstar pressure [units of P]
# % (1) Yang et al., 1988; (2) Newman et al., 2006

# prolate ellipsoid focus [m]
c = cmath.sqrt(a ** 2 - b ** 2)
# for convenience
a2 = a ** 2
a3 = a ** 3
b2 = b ** 2
c2 = c ** 2
c3 = c ** 3
c4 = c ** 4
c5 = c ** 5

# [dimensionless]
ac = (a - c) / (a + c)
# [m^3]
coef1 = 2 * pi * a * b2
# [dimensionless]
den1 = 8 * pi * (1 - nu)

# param from (1) [dimensionless]
Q = 3 / den1
# param from (1) [dimensionless]
R = (1 - 2 * nu) / den1
# param from (1) [dimensionless]
Ia = -coef1 * (2 / (a * c2) + cmath.log(ac) / c3)
# param from (1) [1/m^2]
Iaa = -coef1 * (2 / (3 * a3 * c2) + 2 / (a * c4) + cmath.log(ac) / c5)

# (A-1) from (2) [dimensionless]
a11 = 2 * R * (Ia - 4 * pi)
# (A-2) from (2) [dimensionless]
a12 = -2 * R * (Ia + 4 * pi)
# (A-3) from (2) [dimensionless]
a21 = Q * a2 * Iaa + R * Ia - 1
# (A-4) from (2) [dimensionless]
a22 = -Q * a2 * Iaa - Ia * (2 * R - Q)

# for convenience
den2 = 3 * lamda + 2 * mu
num2 = 3 * a22 - a12
den3 = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21
num3 = a11 - 3 * a21

# (A-5) from (2) [units of P]
Pdila = P * (2 * mu / den2) * (num2 - num3) / den3
# (A-6) from (2) [units of P]
Pstar = P * (1 / den2) * (num2 * lamda + 2 * (lamda + mu) * num3) / den3

# force from (1) [m^2*Pa]
a1 = - 2 * b2 * Pdila
# pressure from (1) [Pa]
b1 = 3 * (b2 / c2) * Pdila + 2 * (1 - 2 * nu) * Pstar

return a1, b1, c, Pdila, Pstar

def yangint(x, y, z, z0, theta, a1, b1, a, b, csi, mu, nu, Pdila):
# DModel (USGS)
# compute the primitive of the displacement for a prolate ellipsoid
# equation (1)-(8) from Yang et al (JGR, 1988)
# corrections to some parameters from Newmann et al (JVGR, 2006)
# IN
# x,y,x coordinates of the point(s) where the displacement is computed [m]
# y0,z0 coordinates of the center of the prolate spheroid (positive downward) [m]
# theta plunge angle [rad]
# a1,b1 pressure (stress) (output from yangpar.m) [units of P]
# a semimajor axis [m]
# b semiminor axis [m]
# c focus of the prolate spheroid (output from yangpar.m) [m]
# mu shear modulus [Pa]
# nu Poisson's ratio
# Pdila pressure (proportional to double couple forces) [units of P]
# U1,U2,U3 : displacement in local coordinates [m] - see Figure 3 of Yang et al (1988)
# Notes:
# The location of the center of the prolate spheroid is (x0,y0,z0)
# with x0=0 and y0=0;
# The free surface is z=0;
# precalculate parameters that are used often

sint = sin(theta) + 1E-15
cost = cos(theta) # y0 = 0

# new coordinates and parameters from Yang et al (JGR, 1988), p. 4251
# dimensions [m]
csi2 = csi * cost
csi3 = csi * sint
# see Figure 3 of Yang et al (1988)
x1 = x
x2 = y
x3 = z - z0
xbar3 = z + z0
# x2 = y - y0
y1 = x1
y2 = x2 - csi2
y3 = x3 - csi3
ybar3 = xbar3 + csi3
r2 = x2 * sint - x3 * cost
q2 = x2 * sint + xbar3 * cost
r3 = x2 * cost + x3 * sint
q3 = -x2 * cost + xbar3 * sint
rbar3 = r3 - csi
qbar3 = q3 + csi
R1 = (y1 ** 2 + y2 ** 2 + y3 ** 2) ** 0.5
R2 = (y1 ** 2 + y2 ** 2 + ybar3 ** 2) ** 0.5

# y0 = 0
# C0 = y0*cost + z0*sint
# correction base on test by FEM by P. Tizzani IREA-CNR Napoli
C0 = z0 / sint
# add 1E-15 to avoid a Divide by Zero warning at the origin
beta = (q2 * cost + (1 + sint) * (R2 + qbar3)) / (cost * y1 + 1E-15)

# precalculate parameters that are used often
drbar3 = R1 + rbar3
dqbar3 = R2 + qbar3
dybar3 = R2 + ybar3
lrbar3 = log(R1 + rbar3)
lqbar3 = log(R2 + qbar3)
lybar3 = log(R2 + ybar3)
atanb = atan(beta)

# primitive parameters from Yang et al (1988), p. 4252
Astar1 = a1 / (R1 * drbar3) + b1 * (lrbar3 + (r3 + csi) / drbar3)
Astarbar1 = -a1 / (R2 * dqbar3) - b1 * (lqbar3 + (q3 - csi) / dqbar3)

A1 = csi / R1 + lrbar3
Abar1 = csi / R2 - lqbar3
A2 = R1 - r3 * lrbar3
Abar2 = R2 - q3 * lqbar3
A3 = csi * rbar3 / R1 + R1
Abar3 = csi * qbar3 / R2 - R2

Bstar = (a1 / R1 + 2 * b1 * A2) + (3 - 4 * nu) * (a1 / R2 + 2 * b1 * Abar2)
B = csi * (csi + C0) / R2 - Abar2 - C0 * lqbar3

# the 4 equations below have been changed to improve the fit to internal deformation
Fstar1 = 0
Fstar2 = 0
F1 = 0
F2 = 0

f1 = csi * y1 / dybar3 \
+ (3 / cost ** 2) * (y1 * sint * lybar3 - y1 * lqbar3 + 2 * q2 * atanb) \
+ 2 * y1 * lqbar3 - 4 * xbar3 * atanb / cost
f2 = csi * y2 / dybar3 \
+ (3 / cost ** 2) * (q2 * sint * lqbar3 - q2 * lybar3 + 2 * y1 * sint * atanb + cost * (R2 - ybar3)) \
- 2 * cost * Abar2 + (2 / cost) * (xbar3 * lybar3 - q3 * lqbar3)

# correction after Newmann et al (2006), eq (A-9)
f3 = (1 / cost) * (q2 * lqbar3 - q2 * sint * lybar3 + 2 * y1 * atanb) \
+ 2 * sint * Abar2 + q3 * lybar3 - csi

# precalculate coefficients that are used often
cstar = (a * b ** 2 / csi ** 3) / (16 * mu * (1 - nu))
cdila = 2 * cstar * Pdila

# displacement components (2) to (7): primitive of equation (1) from Yang et al (1988)
# equation (2) from Yang et al (1988)
Ustar1 = cstar * (Astar1 * y1 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Astarbar1 * y1 + Fstar1 * y1)

# U2star and U3star changed to improve fit to internal deformation
# equation (3) from Yang et al (1988)
Ustar2 = cstar * (sint * (Astar1 * r2 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Astarbar1 * q2 + Fstar1 * q2) + cost * (Bstar - Fstar2))

# The formula used in the script by Fialko and Andy is different from
# equation (4) of Yang et al (1988)
# I use the same to continue to compare the results 2009 07 23
# Ustar3 = cstar*(-cost*(Astarbar1.*r2 + (3-4*nu)*Astarbar1.*q2 - Fstar1.*q2) + ...
# sint*(Bstar+Fstar2) + 2*cost^2*z.*Astarbar1)
# The equation below is correct - follows equation (4) from Yang et al (1988)
Ustar3 = cstar * (-cost * (Astar1 * r2 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Astarbar1 * q2 - Fstar1 * q2) + sint * (Bstar + Fstar2))
# equation (4) from Yang et al (1988)
# equation (5) from Yang et al (1988)
Udila1_p1 = A1 * y1 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Abar1 * y1 + F1 * y1
Udila1_p2 = 4 * (1 - nu) * (1 - 2 * nu) * f1
Udila1 = cdila * (Udila1_p1 - Udila1_p2)

# equation (6) from Yang et al (1988)
Udila2_p1 = sint * (A1 * r2 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Abar1 * q2 + F1 * q2)
Udila2_p2 = 4 * (1 - nu) * (1 - 2 * nu) * f2
Udila2_p3 = 4 * (1 - nu) * cost * (A2 + Abar2) + cost * (A3 - (3 - 4 * nu) * Abar3 - F2)
Udila2 = cdila * (Udila2_p1 - Udila2_p2 + Udila2_p3)

# equation (7) from Yang et al (1988)
Udila3_p1 = cost * (-A1 * r2 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Abar1 * q2 + F1 * q2)
Udila3_p2 = 4 * (1 - nu) * (1 - 2 * nu) * f3
Udila3_p3 = 4 * (1 - nu) * sint * (A2 + Abar2)
Udila3_p4 = sint * (A3 + (3 - 4 * nu) * Abar3 + F2 - 2 * (3 - 4 * nu) * B)
Udila3 = cdila * (Udila3_p1 + Udila3_p2 + Udila3_p3 + Udila3_p4)

# displacement: equation (8) from Yang et al (1988) - see Figure 3
U1 = Ustar1 + Udila1 # local x component
U2 = Ustar2 + Udila2 # local y component
U3 = Ustar3 + Udila3 # local z component

return U1, U2, U3

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