This is a plugin I started just as a little thing to keep me from being bored. It has two seperate configs one for player balances as well as the config.yml which has the values for the mob money drops as well as a toggle for it.
- A shop with a nice amount of commands and full implementation.
- A balance system with sending money and on mob/player death money.
- Two configs used for high amounts of customizability with the plugin.
- A being worked on set of GUI's including a Main GUI and a Setting GUI as well as me continuing to work on and add more GUI's.
- [help] : Shows the plugins help menu.
- [balance] : Sends the players balance in chat.
- [send] [target] [amount] : Sends another player money.
- [shop] [add [price], list, buy [playerName], remove] : Shop commands.
- [gui] : Shows the plugin GUI.
- ====Secret OP Powers====
- [balance] [player] : Sends another players balance in chat.
- [setbal] [player] [value] : Sets a players balance to the value.
- [set] [entity] [value] : Sets a settings value to value.
- [l ist] : Shows all the settings and their values.
- [reload] : Reloads the config.
Base GUI that has a few op thing and non op things (Player Info, Balance, Reload, and View Settings).
After clicking View Settings you will be brought into another GUI which shows items related to the mob and then when you hover on it you will see the values.