Pokerbot is a Slash Command for Slack. It's easily hosted on Amazon Web Services' Lambda.
- Navigate to
- Click on "Slash Commands" and "Add Configuration"
- Set the Command to "/pokerbot"
- Set the URL to the path provided by AWS
- Set the Method to "POST"
- Set Custom Name to "pokerbot"
- Customize Icon if you wish
- Check "Show this command in the autocomplete list"
- Set Description to "Play Scrum planning poker"
- Set Usage Hint to "help [or deal, vote , tally, reveal]""
- Copy the Token
- Paste the Slack Token
- Set the path to your images
- Set the planning poker values you want to use (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100)
Follow instructions from Amazon Web Services Lambda. Paste the file into the web editor or upload as directed by AWS.
- Type "/pokerbot deal" in a channel
- Everyone votes by typing "/pokerbot vote "
- Type "/pokerbot tally" in the channel to show the names of those who have voted
- Type "/pokerbot reveal" in the channel to reveal the voting results