TransportAuctionMex is an efficient implementation of the auction algorithm for transport problems as a Mex File for MATLAB. It is based on the algorithm and C++ implementation of J. D. Walsh. So far only the general auction algorithm is supported (see Walsh, J.D., Dieci, L. General auction algorithm for real valued optimal transport. Preprint,, 2016).
- a reasonably recent version of MATLAB
- a C++ Compiler (tested with Visual Studio 2015)
- solves transport problem for arbitrary number of sinks and sources and real-valued capacities
- much faster than standard linear program solver
- easy to use interface for MATLAB
- problem is represented by two vectors and a matrix, which avoids the need for complicated graph data structures
First, compile the mex file by calling
>> compile
Then, you can run the auction algorithm using
>> T = auction(a,b,-C);
Here, a and b correspond to the supply and demand of the sources and sinks, respectively. C corresponds to the costs of each connection (or alternatively, -C to the reward). The result is the matrix T that contains the amount transported from each soruce to each sink.
For further information, take a look at the included demo, which can be run using
>> demo
TransportAuctionMex is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Author: Gerhard Kurz
Mail: kurz.gerhard (at) gmail (dot) com